Tag: Paul Gray
Education gap on Wichita City Council
Currently there is discussion in Wichita on whether higher education is valued by residents. Following, from April 2011, a look at the educational achievement of the Wichita City Council.
Wichita being sued, alleging improper handling of bond repayment savings
A lawsuit claims that when the City of Wichita refinanced its special assessment bonds, it should have passed on the savings to the affected taxpayers, and it did not do that.
Downtown Wichita economic development numbers questioned
Wichita needs to be concerned why the city’s political and bureaucratic leadership is not “forthcoming and honest” with citizens regarding economic development results.
Open records again an issue in Kansas
Responses to records requests made by Kansas Policy Institute are bringing attention to shortcomings in the Kansas Open Records Act.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Sunday April 10, 2011
Today: Local elections, qualifications of Wichita’s elected officials; Steineger, Kansas senator, to address Pachyderms; Washington Monument strategy; Soros conference online; economics in one lesson this Monday; Wichita City Council this week.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday April 5, 2011
Today: Law, liberty, and the market symposium this week; junket for Wichita lame ducks: the costs.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Sunday March 13, 2011
Today: Wichita city council this week; how attitudes can differ; private property and the price system; toward a free market in education; are lottery tickets like a state-owned casino?; money, banking and the Federal Reserve; Wichita-area legislators to meet public; Pompeo to meet with public; losing the brains race; Teachers unions explained.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday February 9, 2011
Today: ACLU leader to speak in Wichita; information added to KansasOpenGov.org; “The Citizen” launches; economic development in Wichita explained; limits on state agency advertising proposed; Wichita lame ducks to take junket.