Tag: Politics

  • Year in review: 2012

    Following is a selection of stories that appeared on Voice for Liberty in 2012. Was it a good or bad year for the causes of economic freedom, individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and civil society?


    Boeing departure presents challenge for Wichita and Kansas. The announcement of the departure from Wichita of Boeing presents challenges for the Wichita area and the state of Kansas. The response of government officials over the next few years will need to depart from past and present practice if Wichita wants to build a dynamic and sustainable economy. With a few exceptions, our current elected officials will likely proceed with targeted economic development, and Wichita and Kansas will miss an opportunity to implement meaningful and lasting change.

    Wichita TIF: Taxpayer-funded benefits to political players. It is now confirmed: In Wichita, tax increment financing (TIF) leads to taxpayer-funded waste that benefits those with political connections at city hall. … The flow of tax dollars Wichita city leaders had planned for Douglas Place called for taxpayer funds to be routed to a politically-connected construction firm. And unlike the real world, where developers have an incentive to build economically, the city created incentives for Douglas Place developers to spend lavishly in a parking garage, at no cost to themselves. In fact, the wasteful spending would result in profit for them.

    Kansas senators seen as unfriendly to business. This was the start of the effort that resulted in a switch in control of the Kansas Senate.

    Kansas Speaker: Schools don’t spend all they have. Based on choices that many school districts have made in response to legislation giving them flexibility to spend fund balances, Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives Mike O’Neal questions whether a school funding crisis actually exists.

    Kansas Bioscience Authority. The release of a forensics audit of the Kansas Bioscience Authority coupled with two days of joint committee hearings revealed an independent government agency out of control, an audit that draws conclusions described as sanitized of important details, and an agency and legislative supporters who believe that now, all is well at the KBA.


    Fact checking the Wichita Ambassador Hotel campaign. Claims made by a group supporting taxpayer subsidy for the Ambassador Hotel in Wichita are put to the test.

    Carl Brewer: State of the City for Wichita, 2012. Last night Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer delivered his annual State of the City Address. We learned, again, that Wichita’s mayor is openly dismissive of economic freedom, free markets, and limited government, calling these principles of freedom and liberty “simplistic.” Instead, his government prefers crony capitalism and corporate welfare. This is the troubling message that emerges from Brewer’s State of the City address.

    Market solutions best for Wichita. Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer wants to double down on economic development strategies that have produced very little good.

    Kansas needs pay-to-play laws. In Wichita, campaign contributions made to city council candidates often are not about supporting political ideologies — liberal, moderate, or conservative. It’s about opportunists seeking money from government. Pay-to-play laws can help control this harmful practice.

    No-bid contracts a problem in Wichita. Wichita Eagle reporting uncovers a problem with no-bid contracts for construction projects in Wichita. This revelation illustrates these things: a Wichita City Council almost totally captured by special interests, crony capitalism on steroids, and another example of why Wichita and Kansas need pay-to-play laws.

    Why vote no in the Wichita Ambassador Hotel election. In the Wichita Ambassador Hotel special election, there are many reasons to vote no for the good of Wichita.

    Wichita economic development isn’t working. Economic development in Wichita isn’t working very well. The Greater Wichita Economic Development Coalition along with long-serving politicians and bureaucrats need to be held accountable, and our strategy must change.

    In Wichita, pushing back against political cronyism. Tonight the people of Wichita witnessed a victory for common sense over political cronyism.

    Wichita school board meeting: Not for the public. Wichita school board president Betty Arnold admonished the audience: “This board meeting is held in public, but it is not for the public, or of the public.” Video here.


    Wichita, Kansas voters reject corporate welfare and cronyism. Tuesday, Kansas voters made a bold statement, rejecting a plan favoring cronyism and big government, instead choosing to take a stand for fiscal responsibility.

    Kansas and Wichita lag the nation in tax costs. If we in Kansas and Wichita wonder why our economic growth is slow and our economic development programs don’t seem to be producing results, there is now data to answer the question why: Our tax rates are high — way too high.

    A Wichita shocker. The Wall Street Journal comments on last week’s election in Wichita, noting “Local politicians like to get in bed with local business, and taxpayers are usually the losers.”

    Wind energy split in Kansas. Kansas politicians are split over the the government’s subsidy programs for wind energy.

    Brownback, Moran wrong on wind tax credits. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and U.S. Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas are mistaken regarding the economic effect of tax credits that benefit the wind power industry.

    In Kansas, public school establishment attacks high standards. When a Kansas public policy think tank placed ads in Kansas newspapers calling attention to the performance of Kansas schools, the public school establishment didn’t like it. The defense of the Kansas school status quo, especially that coming from Kansas Commissioner of Education Diane DeBacker, ought to cause Kansans to examine the motives of the school spending establishment and their ability to be truthful about Kansas schools.

    Wichita new home tax rebate program: The analysis. A document released by the City of Wichita casts strong doubt on the wisdom of a new home property tax rebate program. The document also lets us know that city staff are not being entirely honest with the citizens of Wichita.

    In Kansas, no E-verify, please. The hope that if we can somehow stop illegal immigrants from obtaining jobs, then unemployed Americans can go back to work, is a false hope. For that and other reasons, I can’t join with Kansas conservatives who support E-verify and other harsh anti-immigrant measures.


    Kansas may again resort to government art. Kansas may be ready to restore some state funding for the arts. But for reasons economic, human, and artistic, we ought to keep Kansas government out of art. Kansas should allow people themselves to decide how to spend their own money on what they think is important to them. To implement government funding of art is to override the freedom of individual choice with political and bureaucratic decisions.

    For Koch critics, facts aren’t part of the equation. A newspaper editorial begins with “What is it, or why is it, that the name Koch, particularly here in Lawrence and Kansas, seems to trigger such angry, passionate and negative responses from a certain segment of the community, particularly among some at Kansas University?” It’s a good question.

    In Kansas, planning will be captured by special interests. The government planning process started in south-central Kansas will likely be captured by special interest groups that see ways to benefit from the plan. The public choice school of economics and political science has taught us how special interest groups seek favors from government at enormous costs to society, and we will see this at play again over the next few years.

    Federal grants increase future local spending. Not only are we taxed to pay for the cost of funding federal and state grants, the units of government that receive grants are very likely to raise their own levels of taxation in response to the receipt of the grants. This creates a cycle of ever-expanding government.

    Thinking beyond stage one in economic development for Wichita. It’s hard to think beyond stage one. It requires considering not only the seen, but also the unseen, as Frederic Bastiat taught us in his famous parable of the broken window. But over and over we see how politicians at all levels of government stop thinking at stage one. This is one of the many reasons why we need to return as much decision-making as possible to the private sector, and drastically limit the powers of politicians and governments.

    Wichita pension plan report. First, the good news: The condition of Wichita Employees’ Retirement System is nowhere near as dire as Kansas Public Employee Retirement System, or KPERS.. But the city is having to make much higher contributions to keep the plan funded. These contribution rates are likely to increase, as the plan relies on unrealistic assumptions.

    Wichita decides to join sustainable communities planning. The City of Wichita has decided to embrace centralized government planning.

    In Kansas, STAR bonds vote uplifted cronyism over capitalism. In Kansas, many purportedly fiscally conservative members of the House and Senate voted to uplift cronyism over capitalism by extending the STAR bonds program.

    Intrust Bank Arena finances: The worst news is hidden. The true state of the finances of the Intrust Bank Arena in downtown Wichita are not often a subject of public discussion. Arena boosters promote a revenue-sharing arrangement between the county and the arena operator, referring to this as profit or loss. But this arrangement is not an accurate and complete accounting, and hides the true economics of the arena.

    Kansas state spending is not, itself, a good. In the debate over reducing and eventually eliminating the income tax in Kansas, those who oppose income tax reduction say it will simply shift the burden of taxation to others, in the form of sales and property taxes. This is true only if we decide to keep spending at the same rate. We could cut spending in response to reduced revenue, but it is argued that state spending is a good thing, a source of wealth that Kansas should continue to rely on.


    Kansas school test scores. Kansas scores on the nationwide NAEP tests are unchanged or falling at the same time scores on Kansas tests are rising — “jumping,” in the recent words of Kansas Education Commissioner Diane DeBacker.

    Kansans uninformed on school spending. As the Kansas Legislature debates spending on schools, we have to hope that legislators are more knowledgeable about school spending than the average Kansan. Surveys have found that few Kansans have accurate information regarding school spending. Surprisingly, those with children in the public school system are even more likely to be uninformed regarding accurate figures. But when presented with accurate information about changes in school spending, few Kansans are willing to pay increased taxes to support more school spending.

    Despite superintendents’ claim, Kansas schools have low standards. Kansas school district superintendents write “Historically, our state has had high-performing schools, which make Kansas a great place to live, raise a family and run a business.” The truth is that when compared to other states, Kansas has low standards.

    Kansas could grow with lower taxes. Two research papers illustrate the need to reduce taxes in Kansas, finding that high taxes are associated with reduced income and low economic growth. Research such as this rebuts the presumption of government spending advocates that reducing taxes will kill jobs in Kansas.

    Wichita school spending: The grain of truth. The Wichita school district, like most of the Kansas school spending establishment, uses spending figures containing a grain of truth to make a larger and misleading argument about school spending.


    School funding suitability in Kansas. As a Kansas court considers intervening in Kansas school finance, the importance of accurate and meaningful evidence on school funding should be the court’s top priority. Supporters of increased school funding rely on two studies that they claim supports more funding for schools. An analysis by Kansas Policy Institute is helpful in understanding why the studies relied on in the past should be discarded.

    In Kansas, redistricting went well, after all. The Kansas political class is upset because a federal court drew new districts they way they should be drawn.

    Kansas legislative summary documents available. Kansas Legislative Research Department has completed its summaries of the 2012 session of the Kansas Legislature.


    Kansas Economic Freedom Index, 2012 Edition. The Kansas Economic Freedom Index identifies Kansas legislators who vote in favor of economic freedom — and those who don’t.

    Coalition Grades Kansas Legislators’ Support of Economic Freedom. A new scorecard released today takes a broad look at voting records and establishes how supportive Kansas state legislators were of economic freedom, limited government and individual liberty in the 2012 legislative session.

    Wichita increases its debt. Wichita has increased its long-term debt load and shifted tax money from debt repayment to current consumption.

    Wichita fails ethics test. Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer and most members of the city council failed a test concerning government ethics.

    Kansas auto dealers benefit from anti-competitive law. Kansas automobile dealers benefit from a law that limits the ability of competitors to form new dealerships. Consumers are harmed.

    Kansas schools receive NCLB waiver. Kansas schools have received a waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

    Wichita school spending. A statement by Wichita school superintendent John Allison is part of an ongoing campaign of misinformation spread by school spending advocates in Wichita and across Kansas.

    Wichita-area economic development policy changes proposed. Wichita and Sedgwick County are considering revising the economic development policies.

    Michigan company involved in disputed Wichita airport contract contributes to Jeff Longwell. A campaign finance report filed by Wichita City Council Member Jeff Longwell contains contributions from executives associated with Walbridge, a Michigan construction company partnering with Key Construction to build the new Wichita airport terminal.


    Kansas traditional Republicans: The record. As Kansas Republicans decide who to vote for in next week’s primary election, moderate senate incumbents and many newspapers urge voting for those Republicans who promote a “reasonable,” “balanced,” and “responsible” approach to Kansas government. When we examine the record of the coalition of moderate Republicans and Democrats that governed Kansas for the first decade of this century, we see legislative accomplishment that not many Kansans may be aware of.

    Wichita property tax mill levy has increased and shifted in use. The City of Wichita says that the property tax mill levy has not increased in many years. But it has. In addition, property tax revenue has been shifted from debt repayment to current consumption.

    In Kansas, rejecting left-wing Republicans. Kansas voters have realized that the governance of Kansas by a coalition of Democrats and left-wing Republicans has not been in the state’s best interest.

    Wichita voters reject cronyism — again. Voters in Wichita and the surrounding area have rejected, for the second time this year, the culture of political cronyism that passes for economic development in Wichita.

    Wichita revises economic development policy. The City of Wichita has passed a revision to its economic development policies. Instead of promoting economic freedom and a free-market approach, the new policy gives greater power to city bureaucrats and politicians, and is unlikely to produce the economic development that Wichita needs.

    Charles Koch: The importance of economic freedom. Charles Koch explains the importance of economic freedom for everyone.

    Andover, a Kansas city overtaken by blight. In order to implement a tax giveaway to buyers of new homes, a city essentially declares total blight infestation.

    Proposed Wichita sign ordinance problematic. The Wichita City Council will consider implementing a sign ordinance that has a major problem.

    Wichita fluoridation debate reveals attitudes of government. Is community water fluoridation like iodized salt? According to Wichita City Council Member and Vice Mayor Janet Miller, we didn’t vote on whether to put iodine in table salt, so Wichitans don’t need to vote on whether to add fluoride to drinking water.

    Wichita speculative industrial buildings. A tax forgiveness policy for speculative industrial buildings in Wichita may not produce the intended results.

    Renewable Portfolio Standard costly for Kansas. A policy promoted by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback will result in higher electricity costs, fewer jobs, and less investment in Kansas.


    Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer on role of government. It’s worse than “You didn’t build that.” Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer tells us you can’t build that — not without government guidance and intervention, anyway.

    Charles G. Koch: Corporate cronyism harms America. When businesses feed at the federal trough, they threaten public support for business and free markets, explains Charles G. Koch.

    NetApp economic development incentives: all of them. The Wichita City Council will consider economic development incentives designed to secure new jobs in Wichita at NetApp. Few Kansans, however, are probably aware of the entire scope of the incentive package and the harm it causes.

    Open records again an issue in Kansas. Responses to records requests made by Kansas Policy Institute are bringing attention to shortcomings in the Kansas Open Records Act.

    Kansas lawmakers, including judges, should be selected democratically. While many believe that judges should not “legislate from the bench,” the reality is that lawmaking is a judicial function. In a democracy, lawmakers should be elected under the principle of “one person, one vote.” But Kansas, which uses the Missouri Plan for judicial selection to its two highest courts, violates this principle.

    Surveillance state arrives in Wichita. In an effort to control crime in Old Town, Wichita is importing the police surveillance state. Once camera use has started, it is likely to spread.

    Wichita economic development, two stories. Two items on the agenda for the Wichita City Council give an insight into the nature and efficacy of economic development efforts in Wichita.


    Wichita government’s attitude towards citizens’ right to know is an issue. The City of Wichita relies on a narrow and unreasonable interpretation of the Kansas Open Records Act to avoid letting citizens know how taxpayer money is spent.

    Regarding Kansas schools, power is not with parents. Information and options allow parents to make the best decisions for their children regarding schools. But in Kansas, parents have little power to make good decisions for their children, relative to the other states.

    Wichita/Sedgwick County Community Investment Plan survey. A survey created for the Wichita/Sedgwick County Community Investment Plan has numerous problems and seems designed to satisfy the goals of government officials and planners instead of citizens.

    Wichita waltzing waters dedication a chance to reflect. While the dedication ceremonies for Wichita’s Waltzing Waters fountain are promoted as celebrations, we might use this opportunity to review the history and impact of WaterWalk, which has absorbed many millions of taxpayer subsidy with few results.

    Charges of slashing Kansas school spending. In their campaigns, Kansas Democrats are charging that school spending has been slashed.

    Introducing Quick Takes. Quick Takes is a new feature of Voice for Liberty in Wichita.

    Citizens generally misinformed on Kansas school spending. When asked about the level of spending on public schools in Kansas, citizens are generally uninformed or misinformed. They also incorrectly thought that spending has declined in recent years.


    In Sedgwick County, a judicial candidate takes the low road. Voters are accustomed to political campaigns that sink low with distorted facts, missing facts, innuendo, and outright lies. Judges, however, ought to be held to a higher standard, and in Kansas, the Supreme Court has rules for judges to follow in their campaigns. But the campaign for incumbent Richard T. Ballinger in Sedgwick County, Kansas, doesn’t seem to be interested in following these rules.

    From the United Nations to Sedgwick County. It took from 1987 to 2012, but Sedgwick County has adopted the language of the United Nations regarding sustainability.

    You should be able to photograph your ballot. “Every election is a sort of advance auction of stolen goods.” Whether the sale is implicit or explicit, it doesn’t change what’s happening. There’s no need to create new laws or enforcement powers.

    In Wichita, creating more willing taxpayers. Is the goal of Wichita/Sedgwick County Community Investments Plan to create more willing taxpayers? A paper from the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public affairs gives us a clue — and a warning.

    I, Pencil: The Movie. Now in movie form, the story of the humble pencil illustrates the wonder and power of “the spontaneous configuration of creative human energies.”

    Wichita licenses the striping of parking lots. Next week the Wichita City Council will consider licensing and regulating the painting of stripes in parking lots. How, may I ask, has civilization advanced without the benefit of such regulation?

    In Wichita, confusion over air traffic statistics. The Kansas Affordable Airfares program is promoted by Wichita and Sedgwick County government despite problems with the data and statistics used to evaluate the program.

    Flight options from Wichita decline, compared to nation. A program designed to bring low air fares to Wichita appears to meet that goal, but the unintended and inevitable consequences of the program are not being recognized.


    In Wichita, a quest for campaign finance reform. Actions of the Wichita City Council have shown that campaign finance reform is needed. Citizen groups are investigating how to accomplish this needed reform, since the council has not shown interest in reforming itself.

    Economic development incentives questioned. When the New York Times is concerned about the cost of government spending programs, it’s a safe bet that things are really out of control. Its recent feature reports on economic development incentive programs that are costly and produce questionable benefits.

    Wichita economic growth, in comparison. How does economic growth in Wichita compare to the state and nation?

    Bowllagio property purchases seem overpriced. As part of a planned real estate development, taxpayers may be asked to pay property owners much more than the appraised values for the parcels.

    O’Donnell critics should look inward first. Wichita’s mayor and city council need to examine their own errors of cronyism before lashing out at a member who made an inconsequential mistake.

    Wichita could do better regarding open government, if it wants. Wichita, if it wanted to, could provide greater transparency and access to open government.

    Wichita, again, fails at open government. The Wichita City Council, when presented with an opportunity to increase the ability of citizens to observe the workings of the government they pay for, decided against the cause of open government, preferring to keep the spending of taxpayer money a secret.

    Kansas budget solution overlooked. As Kansas prepares for a legislative session that must find ways to balance a budget in the face of declining revenues, not all solutions are being considered.

    In Wichita, failure to value open records and open government. On the KAKE Television public affairs program “This Week in Kansas” the failure of the Wichita City Council, especially council member Pete Meitzner, to recognize the value of open records and open government is discussed.

  • GDP growth by state and region

    Here is a visualization that shows the rate of growth of gross domestic product by state, regions, and the entire country. You may select one or more areas from the list by using Ctrl while clicking. The data is indexed, so that each area starts with a value of 100 in 1997.

    Data is from U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Visualization created by myself using Tableau Public.

    Use the visualization below or click here to open in a new window.

  • Charles Koch profiled in Forbes

    The new issue of Forbes features a cover story on Charles and David Koch. It is very interesting and seems a balanced and fair article, but there are a few things that stand out. (Inside The Koch Empire: How The Brothers Plan To Reshape America.)

    An example: “Both Kochs innately understand that — unlike the populist appeal of their fellow midwestern billionaire Warren Buffett and his tax-the-rich advocacy — their message of pure, raw capitalism is a much tougher sell, even among capitalists.”

    I think the author should have written “even among business executives” rather than capitalists. That’s because Charles Koch has been outspoken about business cronyism, in September writing in The Wall Street Journal: “Far too many businesses have been all too eager to lobby for maintaining and increasing subsidies and mandates paid by taxpayers and consumers. This growing partnership between business and government is a destructive force, undermining not just our economy and our political system, but the very foundations of our culture.”

    I would imagine that most of the business leaders seeking government subsidies and mandates consider themselves capitalists. That’s a problem.

    Then: the description of “pure” capitalism as raw. I think we’re starting to realize just how raw politics and government have become. Capitalism, however, is a system based on respect for property and peaceful, beneficial exchange. Tom G. Palmer in the introduction to The Morality of Capitalism explains: “Far from being an amoral arena for the clash of interests, as capitalism is often portrayed by those who seek to undermine or destroy it, capitalist interaction is highly structured by ethical norms and rules. Indeed, capitalism rests on a rejection of the ethics of loot and grab, the means by which most wealth enjoyed by the wealthy has been acquired in other economic and political systems. … It’s only under conditions of capitalism that people commonly become wealthy without being criminals.”

    Often corporations are criticized by liberals as being too focused on short-term gains, that corporate raiders buy firms, gut them, chop them up, sell off assets, lay off employees, pile on debt — you know the story as used against Mitt Romney. But look at how Koch Industries operates:

    Charles spent $6 billion upfront to buy Georgia-Pacific, and rather than satisfy quarterly earnings estimates or dividend-hungry investors, he immediately directed the new division’s cash flow toward paying down the $15 billion in liabilities that it inherited. …

    The Koch long-game strategy is absolute: If it makes sense to them, the Kochs stay with the plan, no matter how burdensome or how long it takes. “We buy something not to milk it but to build it, to take its capabilities and add to them, and build new businesses,” [Charles] Koch says.

    That sounds like a business strategy the left should embrace, not vilify.

    Another curious statement by the author: “Given their strict adherence to the principals of transparent free markets, the Kochs’ secrecy seems hypocritical.” This is curious because transparency is an attribute not often associated with advocacy for free markets. Transparency is more associated with government as a desirable goal. Charles and David Koch are private citizens, not agents of government.

    There’s good news near the end of the article:

    The brothers’ new political emphasis in the coming year? Fighting corporate welfare.

    While Obama talks about getting rid of lobbyists, Charles says, the “only way he can achieve that stated objective is to get government out of the business of giving goodies. That’s like flies to honey,” he adds. “The first thing we’ve got to get rid of is business welfare and entitlements.”

    There’s much more in the article, available at Inside The Koch Empire: How The Brothers Plan To Reshape America.

  • You should be able to photograph your ballot

    Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach wants to make it illegal to photograph your completed ballot, and he wants the power to enforce this law.

    There’s a thorny question here: Who owns your ballot? You, or the state? If you, then can you be prohibited from photographing something that you own?

    The usual argument for such a law is that it constrains the buying and selling of votes. A photo of your ballot, it is said, would be proof to a vote-buyer that you delivered the service you promised, if you were to sell your vote. With no ability to prove your vote, it’s thought that there would be fewer buyers.

    I don’t think, however, that the state should start judging why people voted as they did. Those who voted for Democrats in Kansas: Did they do so because these candidates promised to take more money from others in order to spend more on schools for their children?

    Those who voted for Barack Obama: Did they do so because he promised to take more taxes from high income earners to give everyone else more “stuff?”

    When a political party transports someone to the polling place because they believe the voter will vote in their favor: Is that buying a vote? Or only providing free shipping and handling?

    As H.L. Mencken wrote some years ago — before government got really big — “Every election is a sort of advance auction of stolen goods.” Whether the sale is implicit or explicit, it doesn’t change what’s happening. There’s no need to create new laws or enforcement powers.

    If we’re really interested in reducing the market to buy and sell votes, let’s reduce the power of government to give away stuff that someone else has paid for.

  • Sedgwick County Commission: Let’s not vote today

    At the October 31 meeting of the Sedgwick County Commission, Karl Peterjohn introduced a measure that would let the Kansas Legislature know that the commission supports improving the tax climate in Kansas, and specifically would limit property tax growth. But electoral politics forced a delay in a vote.

    In response to Peterjohn’s proposal, the coalition of one Democrat and two liberal Republicans that form the working majority on the commission maneuvered to delay voting on the measure until after the November 6 election. With the item appearing on tomorrow’s agenda, it’s very likely that the majority coalition — Commission Chair Tim Norton, Dave Unruh, and Jim Skelton — will vote against the proposal.

    Why the rush for delay? Norton was facing a vigorous challenge in the election. He couldn’t afford to cast a vote against property tax reform. With Skelton publicly supporting Norton, and Unruh doing so behind the scenes, the two Republicans supported their liberal Democratic fellow traveler in delaying the vote until after the election.

    But after the election, Norton is free to vote against property tax reform. Skelton and Unruh don’t face the voters for another two years, and they’ll be relying on the short memory span of most voters.

  • Tracking Sedgwick County election returns

    Updates of election returns for Sedgwick County races through a Google Docs spreadsheet. It will automatically update as I add data.

    Click here or watch below.

  • Kansas election preview

    It’s sort of a quiet election in Kansas this year. We’re not a presidential battleground state. We are solidly Republican at the presidential level, and we have just six electoral votes.

    We’re not electing a U.S. Senator this year. Our four U.S. Representatives are Republican and secure, as the Democrats fielded no challengers with realistic changes of winning.

    We have no statewide races like governor or attorney general. We do have a constitutional amendment to consider. All it does is allow the legislature to assess boats differently from other property. It’s thought that Kansas boat taxes are very high compared to surrounding states.

    There are some legislative races to watch, but the real action was in 2010 and in the August primary this year. Until recently, political power in Kansas was wielded by a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans, with either a Democratic or moderate Republican governor.

    In 2010 conservative Republicans gained a majority in the House, and are expected to retain that, although Democrats may take back a few seats.

    In 2012, all 40 senators ran for four-year terms. In the August primary eight moderate senators were defeated by conservatives, including the senate president. There are about five senate races hotly contested today, but the Kansas senate will have a conservative majority.

    Democrats across the state have been running on a few themes: That conservative Republican legislators are only rubberstamps for Governor Sam Brownback, that the income tax cuts passed this year will wreck the budget and require increases in property taxes, and that the cuts will also decimate school funding. Republicans often tie Democrats to Obamacare, whether that makes sense or not.

    No matter what happens today, Kansas will have a large turnover and many new faces in its legislature. Kansas failed to pass a redistricting bill this year, and a panel of federal judges drew new boundaries. The court created districts with no deference to the political considerations that legislatures consider. As a result, many incumbents were placed in districts with other incumbents, and many had their districts changed or redrawn considerably. The political class hated the court’s new maps, but I thought it did a good job.

    In Sedgwick County there are 28 district court judges are up for re-election, but only one spot that is contested. There were more judicial contests in the primary.

    An interesting contest is the decision as to whether Wichita will add fluoride to its water supply. With a population of 380,000 Wichita is the largest city in America that doesn’t fluoridate. A recent SurveyUSA poll had the No vote ahead 44 to 43 percent, with 13 percent undecided. Campaigns on both sides have been very active, and the pro-fluoride side has been advertising extensively.

  • Election night coverage from Watchdog Wire

    Tonight, starting at 6:00 pm EST, watch live election coverage with Tony Katz from Watchdog Wire, a project of the Franklin Center. I may even appear to offer coverage of elections in Kansas.

    Watch below or click on Citizen Watchdog Election Watch to watch in a new tab or window.

  • In Sedgwick County, a judicial candidate takes the low road

    Voters are accustomed to political campaigns that sink low with distorted facts, missing facts, innuendo, and outright lies. Judges, however, ought to be held to a higher standard, and in Kansas, the Supreme Court has rules for judges to follow in their campaigns. But the campaign for incumbent Richard T. Ballinger in Sedgwick County, Kansas, doesn’t seem to be interested in following these rules.

    In the Rules related to Judicial Conduct adopted by the Kansas Supreme Court, the title of canon four, covering political activity, starts with this admonition: “A judge or candidate for judicial office shall not engage in political or campaign activity that is inconsistent with the independence, integrity, or impartiality of the judiciary.”

    Specifically, the rules state:

    Rule 4.1: Political and Campaign Activities of Judges and Judicial Candidates in General
    (A) A judge or a judicial candidate shall not: …
    (4) knowingly, or with reckless disregard for the truth, make any false or misleading statement.

    The comment associated with paragraph 4 illuminates:

    [7] Judicial candidates must be scrupulously fair and accurate in all statements made by them and by their campaign committees. Paragraph (A)(4) obligates candidates and their committees to refrain from making statements that are false or misleading, or that omit facts necessary to make the communication considered as a whole not materially misleading.

    Here’s one example of the ways the Ballinger campaign has acted in contrary to these rules in his campaign against challenger Zoe Newton: On November 2, Ballinger ran radio advertisements stating this about Newton: “more than 60 percent of her campaign contributions have come from her boss Wink Hartman, or Hartman’s companies, or a handful of Hartman’s business associates.” The ad goes on to claim that Newton, if elected, “owes a debt of gratitude to a select few.”

    The actual facts, however, are that based on my analysis of campaign finance reports through October 29, Newton herself has contributed 60.2 percent of her total campaign funds. We can see, therefore, that Ballinger’s claim violates the rule that requires judges to “knowingly, or with reckless disregard for the truth, make any false or misleading statement.”

    As far as owing a “debt of gratitude,” if a case involving Hartman or his business interests were to come before a Judge Newton, she would have to recuse herself. She wouldn’t be able to preside over the case.

    But that’s not the situation with the large number of Sedgwick County attorneys who have contributed to Ballinger’s campaign. Ballinger knows who his contributors are, and the contributors know who they are. But evidently, the rules in Kansas don’t require recusal or even notification to the parties to a case that there are political campaign contributions involved.

    Judge Richard Ballinger Facebook post, October 30, 2012.

    Another example: A Georgia political action committee ran radio advertisements critical of Ballinger. He ran advertisements criticizing “secret Georgia money,” and for a time, the source of that money was unknown. But the Wichita Eagle published an article where Wink Hartman acknowledged that he was source of the funding for the ads, a fact which Ballinger signaled awareness of by posting so on his campaign’s Facebook page. But the ads claiming “secret Georgia money” continued to run, making claims that were known to be false.

    Hartman’s response might not have been necessary if not for Ballinger’s claim made in a radio advertisement. Citing Ballinger’s long tenure as judge, the commercial — in a disparaging tone and manner — said that Newton “works for Wink Hartman.” Hartman is a well-known businessman and entrepreneur who ran for U.S. Congress in 2010. He adds value to our community through his successful business ventures. And since when is working in the private sector a bad thing? I’d argue that diversity of experience, including private sector business experience, is important to our stable of judges.

    Another example: On November 1, a radio ad in Ballinger’s own voice mentioned his cease and desist order issued by the Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications. That document may be read here. Ballinger says that happened seven years ago, when as you can see, the order was issued in 2006, which is six years ago.

    It might be that the events for which Ballinger was cited (“inappropriately fraternizing with subordinate employees”) happened in 2005, which would be seven years ago. The cease and desist order doesn’t say. But Ballinger certainly knows when he committed these violations of judicial conduct, and if he wants to criticize an advertisement for getting dates wrong, he should reveal the record of his conduct. Either that, or we have to argue over the meaning of the word “this.” We’ve been through that (“it,” actually) with a former president.

    Ballinger also claims, in the same advertisement: “… the Kansas Supreme Court reappointed me as chief judge with complete knowledge of the facts.” This, to me, is misleading. The same advertisement attempts a clarification a little later, when Ballinger states “I was appointed chief presiding judge of probate court.” Even this clarification does little to give voters accurate information, as the probate division, at least presently, appears to consist of only one judge — Ballinger himself.

    Further, I believe that according to Kansas statute, it is the chief judge of a judicial district who appoints presiding judges, not the Kansas Supreme Court as Ballinger claimed.

    Another example: A Ballinger advertisement mentions that he was overwhelmingly re-elected by voters in 2008. Upon hearing that, most people would assume there was a challenger that Ballinger defeated. But there was no opponent for Ballinger that year, which is not uncommon in judicial elections. Consider Ballinger’s statement in light of a comment to the rules: “Paragraph (A)(4) obligates candidates and their committees to refrain from making statements that are false or misleading, or that omit facts necessary to make the communication considered as a whole not materially misleading.” (emphasis added)

    I’ll leave it to readers to decide whether boasting of an overwhelming victory in an election with no opponent is materially misleading.

    Similarly, when voters make a decision about electing judges, they should remember that the Kansas Supreme Court holds judges to a high standard of conduct in their campaigns.