Tag: Congressman Mike Pompeo
WichitaLiberty.TV: A new season, with co-host Karl Peterjohn
Co-host Karl Peterjohn joins Bob Weeks to discuss Karl’s service as county commissioner, the new session of the Kansas Legislature, and choosing a successor to Congressman Mike Pompeo.
Year in Review: 2016
Here are highlights from Voice for Liberty for 2016. Was it a good year for the principles of individual liberty, limited government, economic freedom, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas?
WichtaLiberty.TV: Congressman Mike Pompeo
In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: United States Representative Mike Pompeo, a Wichita Republican who represents the Kansas fourth district. Topics include elections, judicial retention, foreign affairs, and immigration.
From Pachyderm: Congressman Mike Pompeo
From the Wichita Pachyderm Club: Congressman Mike Pompeo delivered an update on the issues of the day and answered questions.
Congressman Mike Pompeo update
Congressman Mike Pompeo, fourth district of Kansas, offered his perspective on recent happenings in Europe, the Middle East and Washington, D.C.
Food labeling act to be heard
A complicated regulatory landscape for genetically modified foods would shift power to large food producers at the expense of small companies and innovative startups. A bill by Rep. Mike Pompeo addressing this issue will receive a hearing this week.
‘Earmark Distribution Agency,’ dealer of pork, proposed for elimination
Congressman Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, offered an amendment to H.R. 4660, the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, to eliminate the Economic Development Administration (or the “Earmark Distribution Agency”).