Tag: Facebook
Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer on citizen engagement
Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer and the city council are proud of their citizen engagement efforts. Should they be proud?
Voter privacy a subject ready for debate
Campaign methods used in the recent election may spark debate on the information government makes available about voters and their voting behavior.
Religion and politics; two subjects that divide friends and family members alike
If we really want to protect religious freedom in our country, then we should elect candidates who will defend the rights of all citizens to practice whichever religion they choose. That is true religious liberty, writes Eileen Umbehr.
Wichita Transit System and the proposed sales tax
Examining claims made by “Yes Wichita” provides an opportunity to learn about the finances of the Wichita bus transit system.
Using your smartphone for political activism
Your smartphone is a valuable tool for activism. Here are two ways to get involved.
Your smartphone is your activism toolkit
Your smartphone is a valuable tool for activism. Here are two ways to get involved.
Kansas school claims, numbers don’t match
Kansas school spending advocates make claims of exploding class sizes that aren’t reflected in enrollment and employment data
Welcome back, Gidget
Gidget stepped away for a few months, but happily she is back writing about Kansas politics at Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe).
Forget the vampires. Let’s tackle the real monsters.
Public service announcements on Facebook and Wichita City Channel 7 urge Wichitans to take steps to stop “vampire” power waste. But before hectoring people to introduce inconvenience to their lives in order to save small amounts of electricity, the city should tackle the real monsters of its own creation.