Tag: Government spending

  • Some Kansas House Members voted for spending, but not the taxes

    This year both the Kansas House of Representatives and Senate voted for increased spending and increased taxes. The taxes are primarily in the form of a one cent per dollar increase in the statewide sales tax, scheduled to take effect July 1. When the budget and taxes were debated in the Senate, several senators made…

  • The fight for Kansas jobs

    When seeking to bring additional businesses to Kansas, no one champions higher taxes as an additional benefit. The Chamber will always defend Kansas entrepreneurs and taxpayers against policies which inhibit their ability to increase capital investment, grow private-sector jobs and reduce the burden on government services. Responsible government and a friendly business climate can and…

  • Europeans fear crisis threatens liberal benefits

    Across Western Europe, the “lifestyle superpower,” the assumptions and gains of a lifetime are suddenly in doubt. The deficit crisis that threatens the euro has also undermined the sustainability of the European standard of social welfare, built by left-leaning governments since the end of World War II.

  • Kansas News Digest

    News from alternative media around Kansas for May 21, 2010.

  • Amtrak passenger service shown in Wichita

    The possible expansion of Amtrak passenger rail service in Kansas was the topic of a meeting held last night in Wichita. Expansion of rail service in Kansas is controversial, at least to some people, in that any form of rail service requires taxpayer involvement to pay for the service. First, taxpayer funding is required to…

  • Kansas Governor, Wichita Eagle: why ‘pigs’ at the trough?

    When the Kansas Chamber of Commerce recently referred to the need to control Kansas government spending and taxes, a few politicians and newspaper editorial writers embellished what the Chamber actually said in order to make their own political points.

  • Kansas or New Jersey: Which state is on the better road to prosperity?

    What’s the difference between Kansas and New Jersey? One answer that comes to mind: unlike the comparison to our neighboring states, Kansas has a more limited, fiscally conservative government than the Garden State. Or so we thought.

  • Kansas House starts debate on new budget; little progress made

    This afternoon the Kansas House of Representatives is debating its replacement budget. The legislation being considered is known as the “Feuerborn amendment”. At 417 pages, it has been divided into 13 sections, with part “A” being the language that “guts” the existing bill.

  • Kansas budget, taxes, still being worked on

    At the Kansas statehouse yesterday, some progress was made on the budget, but much work remains. With the session about to end, large decisions about taxation and spending have yet to be made.