Tag: Government spending

  • Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday November 16, 2010

    Today: American Majority, Community Improvement Districts, Kansas legislature, Kansas Reporter, Sam Brownback, Tea Party, Wind power, Global warming alarmism, Government spending, Wind power.

  • Kansas election was about taxes, spending

    Winning candidates in the recent Kansas elections had the winning message of reducing spending and taxes, writes Derrick Sontag of Americans for Prosperity.

  • U.S. national debt clock

    A handy reference source for figures about U.S. debt and spending, as well as a place to spend a few moments watching the live numbers spin by, is U.S. national debt clock.

  • Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday October 26, 2010

    Today: Raj Goyle, Free markets, Government spending, Kansas fourth district, Kansas Governor, Kansas legislature, Kansas Policy Institute, Sam Brownback, Tea Party, Tom Holland, Wichita Pachyderm Club, Education, School choice.

  • Kansas Statehouse renovations examined

    The restoration of the Kansas Statehouse was featured on a recent episode of Sunflower Journeys. While providing an interesting look at the history of the stonecarvings on the building’s exterior, the show made a mistaken argument about the economics of the project.

  • Goyle on Social Security protection

    Raj Goyle, candidate for U.S. Congress from Kansas, pledges to protect Social Security from changes, including partial privatization and increases in the retirement age. On his campaign website, he says we must work in a “bipartisan, responsible way to adjust Social Security to ensure its long-term stability.” Goyle’s website doesn’t say this, but the only…

  • Kansas spending should be cut, not frozen

    A recent Wichita Eagle editorial, “Freeze means big cuts,” said gubernatorial candidate Sam Brownback’s intention to freeze state spending would cause big cuts in services by not replacing federal stimulus money. The unspoken presumptions one must accept to make that leap are (1) every government program and service is essential and (2) every program and…

  • Kansas business climate: not good

    On this week’s episode of the KAKE Television public affairs program “This Week in Kansas,” Kansas Policy Institute Dave Trabert told host Tim Brown that Kansas tax policy is creating a poor environment for business. “Kansas is becoming increasingly a difficult place to do business,” Trabert said.

  • Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday October 12, 2010

    Today: Economic development, Elections, Eminent domain, Government spending, Kansas Reporter, Koch Industries, Mark Parkinson, Politics, Regulation, Wichita city council, Economics