Tag: Bailouts
Kansas must reform KPERS
New research from Kansas Policy Institute reinforces what some have known but many have discounted: The Kansas Public Employee Retirement System is in poor financial shape, and it’s going to cost Kansans a lot to fix it.
In Wichita, a gentle clawback
Wichita finds it difficult to enforce clawback provisions in its economic development agreements.
Wichita’s bailout culture
The Wichita City Council will consider a bailout of a real estate development. If the council takes this action, it is just one more step in a series of bailouts granted by the city, and it sets up expectations that the city will continue bailouts, creating a severe climate of moral hazard.
Ken-Mar TIF district, the bailouts
Circumstances surrounding the Ken-Mar shopping center in northeast Wichita illustrate how inappropriate it is for the city to serve as either entrepreneur or partner with entrepreneurs, and is another lesson in how Wichita needs pay-to-play laws.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Monday August 29, 2011
Today: Wichita City Council; Government and business; Developer welfare shop opened; ‘Kansans United’ formed; Kansas education summit; No Wichita Pachyderm this week; Myths of capitalism.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday July 20, 2011
Today: Kansas budget director to be in Wichita; All Kansans voted for Cut, Cap, and Balance; Foreclosed homes: the maps; Kansas certificates of indebtedness; Why more regulation is not the answer; Myths of the Great Depression.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday October 20, 2010
Today: Bailouts, Corporate welfare, Economic development, Elections, Environment, Politics, Sam Adams Alliance, Tea Party, Downtown Wichita revitalization, Sedgwick county government, Global warming alarmism
Stop spending our future
It’s hard to comprehend the spending by the federal government over the last year. The numbers are so large, the spending programs announced so quickly, one after another, that sometimes we need to step back and take a look at the big picture. When we do, it’s quite terrifying, especially when we realize that the…