Wichita downtown master plan meetings scheduled

Recently planning firm Goody Clancy presented the master plan for the revitalization of downtown Wichita. This plan is in “draft” form, meaning that input is being solicited, with revisions appearing in the final version expected to be ready in September.

In order that citizens may become familiar with the draft plan, the Wichita Downtown Development Corporation, the City of Wichita, and Visioneering Wichita will present the plan at a series of community meetings. The schedule is:

July 7: Atwater Neighborhood City Hall (2755 E. 19th St. N.)
July 8: Evergreen Library (2601 N. Arkansas)
July 12: Haysville Public Library (210 S. Hays)
July 13: Bel Aire City Hall (7651 E. Central Park Ave.)
July 14: Derby City Hall (611 Mulberry)
July 19: 1st United Methodist Church (330 N. Broadway) Meredith Room
July 20: WSU Metroplex (5015 E. 29th St. N.) Entrance C
July 21: Sedgwick County Extension (7001 W. 21st St.)

All meetings begin at 7:00 pm.


One response to “Wichita downtown master plan meetings scheduled”

  1. Jeff

    If you are unemployed or have time to waist, please attend these “make no difference” meetings, otherwise, stay home and have a beer.

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