Pompeo responds to president’s speech on Syria

Mike Pompeo official photographFrom the office of U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo, a Republican who represents the Kansas fourth district:

Washington — Congressman Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, an Army veteran and a graduate of West Point, responded to the President’s remarks on Syria.

“I am pleased that calls for a more robust strike against Syria have met with the possible outcome of the remove of chemical weapons from Assad. I hope this works, but I am always skeptical when Vladimir Putin is making an offer to help. Regardless, I remain convinced that the only way to assure Americans’ safety is by implementing a strategic and integrated plan that does more than simply ‘shoot across the bow.’”

Pompeo recently returned from weeklong trip through the Middle East where he spoke with America’s intelligence warriors, foreign officials, and even the commander of the Free Syrian Army.

For more information, contact J.P. Freire at (202) 557-9144 or JP.Freire@mail.house.gov.


One response to “Pompeo responds to president’s speech on Syria”

  1. Anonymous

    I’ve lost a lot of respect for Pompeo…and he’s lost my vote next election.

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