Tag: Kansas first district
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Monday October 3, 2011
Today: Wichita City Council; What if the NFL Played by Teachers’ Rules?; Do-nothing Hoover?; Kansas school cash; John Locke to appear in Wichita.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Friday July 1, 2011
Today: This Week in Kansas; Kansas taxes; Wichita sales tax; Koch criticism backfires — again; Tension on debt ceiling issue; Stossel: The Money Hole.
Huelskamp at RightOnline: Debt is the problem
At the RightOnline conference in Minneapolis, U.S. Representative Tim Huelskamp of the Kansas first district told the general session audience that federal spending and debt is a threat to the future of America, and that we must use the opportunity of the upcoming debt ceiling vote to force spending cuts.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday June 1, 2011
Today: Transportation planning; Pompeo, Huelskamp ‘no’ on debt limit; This Week in Kansas; Kingman is the first; Legislature is through for season; Stossel looks at energy.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday May 25, 2011
Today: The failure of American schools; Professors to Koch Brothers: Take your green back; History and legacy of Kansas populism; Federal grants seen to raise future local spending; Debt observed as sold.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Monday April 25, 2011
Today: American exceptionalism; Wichita City Council this week; The Great American Bailout; “Not yours to give rally” in Topeka; Kansas Bioscience Authority benefits from exemptions; The presidency in liberal society.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday March 2, 2011
Today: Duplication in federal programs found; bureaucrats can’t change the way we drive … but they keep trying; Wednesdays in Wiedemann tonight; Americans for Prosperity website attacked; Kansas presidential primary pitched as economic development; Huelskamp joins Tea Party Caucus; how government works.
Kansas first Congressional district poll released
Although the primary is barely over and the general election is nearly three months away, a poll covering the race for United States Congress from the Kansas first district has already been released.