Tag: Elections

  • Wichita school district campaigns for the bond

    An article in today’s newspaper reports on how USD 259, the Wichita school district, uses school district assets, personnel, and funds to promote the proposed Wichita school bond issue.

  • Goddard City Website Campaigns for Its Mayor

    For about the last week, the City of Goddard, Kansas, has been using its website to campaign for its mayor in her race for the Sedgwick County Commission. The website, located at www.goddardkansas.us, usually looks like a typical city website, holding general news and information, with links to city departments. But around October 21, according…

  • Money in Kansas District Attorney races

    “Recent contribution reports by District Attorney Candidates in Johnson, Shawnee and Sedgwick Counties show Democrats have raised $300,793 and spent $423,857, while Republican candidates have raised only $181,521 and spent $212,670.” Read the Kansas Meadowlark’s full report at Money in District Attorney races.

  • The Wichita School Bond Yard Sign Never Used

    Wichitans may remember that the upcoming election on November 4 regarding a bond issue for USD 259, the Wichita school district bond issue, isn’t the first time this year that this matter was to be voted on. Originally the Wichita school board passed a resolution setting May 6 as the date for the election. But…

  • Voter Integrity Project for Kansas

    The Kansas Meadowlark introduces Voter Integrity Project for Kansas. This is part of a project at Ballotpedia, which is a great place to learn about ballot issues across America.

  • Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius: Different from You and I

    Do different laws exist for Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and the rest of us? (At least the conservatives and libertarians among us?) The Kansas Meadowlark reports this: “Apparently Sebelius is exploiting a loop hole in Kansas law in using her PAC to attack conservatives. The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission said a similar new ‘Leadership’ PAC…

  • Wichita and Sedgwick County Candidate Websites

    I’ve started a page that lists candidates for election in the Wichita and Sedgwick County area, containing links to candidate websites. It’s not quite finished, but it’s a start. The link is here: Wichita and Sedgwick County Candidate Websites.