Tag: Austrian economics
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Friday December 31, 2010
Today: “This Week in Kansas;” tax increment financing; “Lessons for the Young Economist;” the worst Congress; China has seen the future, and it is coal.
Hayek’s star on the rise, sometimes
Partly due to Glenn Beck’s interest, a book and its ideas is receiving increased attention. F.A. Hayek is the author, and The Road to Serfdom is the book.
Primer on Mises and Austrian economics published
If you’ve heard of Ludwig von Mises and wondered why his ideas are important to freedom, here’s a chance to easily and quickly gain understanding of this important thinker and the field of Austrian economics. Or if you’ve not heard of or read about Mises and Austrian economics, here’s your chance. The Institute for Economic…
The new road to serfdom and the continuing relevance of Austrian economics
Here’s a video lecture recently given by Richard M. Ebeling titled The new road to serfdom and the continuing relevance of Austrian economics.
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises?
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises? As this unique film shows, Mises (1881-1973) was a man who never stopped fighting for freedom: not when the Nazis burned his books, not when the Left blackballed him at universities, not when it seemed as if statism had won. With courage and genius, he fought big…
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
Events over the last year have placed our nation’s monetary system in focus. Or, at least it should be in sharp focus, as U.S. monetary policy and the Federal Reserve System bear much responsibility for the financial crisis and the accompanying recession. Few politicians, Ron Paul being one, are looking in the right places for…
80 Years Later: Parallels Between 1929 and 2009
Austrian economist Walter Block delivers a lecture that draws the parallels and differences between now and the Great Depression.
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises?
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises? As this unique film shows, Mises (1881-1973) was a man who never stopped fighting for freedom: not when the Nazis burned his books, not when the Left blackballed him at universities, not when it seemed as if statism had won. With courage and genius, he fought big…