Skelton, Sedgwick County Commissioner, censured by party

Yesterday evening the Sedgwick County Republican Party censured a Sedgwick County Commissioner for supporting a Democrat in an upcoming election.

Treatha Brown-Foster, who is chair of Kansas Black Republican Council, offered a resolution critical of Jim Skelton.

The resolution read: “Whereas, Jim Skelton, an elected Republican official in Sedgwick County, who has benefited from the support of the Sedgwick County Republican Party, has publicly supported a Democratic candidate over a Republican candidate for election to the Sedgwick County Commission. Be it resolved that Jim Skelton be censured for this action.”

The resolution was met with applause. The motion was seconded and the vote to approve it was unanimous.

In June Skelton expressed his support in a Wichita Eagle article for incumbent Tim Norton over challenger Ben Sauceda. Norton is a Democrat; Sauceda is a Republican. The two face no primary challenges, and will meet in the November 6th general election.

In January Skelton joined with fellow Republican Commissioner Dave Unruh to elect Norton as commission chair. Despite Republicans holding a four to one majority, the commission is chaired by a Democrat.


6 responses to “Skelton, Sedgwick County Commissioner, censured by party”

  1. Unknown

    If this were truly bipartisan it would be ok, but it’s more Unruh and Skelton in disguise.


  2. sue c.

    I supported Treatha’s resolution last night, although I was surprised. Skelton was wrong to endore the Democrat after being supported by the Republican party in his races of the past. He should have just stayed out of it!

    If he wants to support Democrats, maybe he should join that party, since he is a big city govt guy and seems to like their platform better.

    I think the person that will get the backlash for this will be Skelton. Don’t expect support from the Republican party next election.

  3. James

    I think if Sauceda had an issue with Skelton, he should have taken it up with him first before airing the dirty laundry. By the way, where was Kelly Arnold and the SCRP when Sue Schlapp supported Democrat Brewer over Mayans for Mayor and even took Brewer to Republican fundraising events. What censuring did she suffered.

  4. Wow

    Ludicrous that this is the state of the Republican Party here. This is how North Korea works.

  5. The Red Queen

    Off with their heads, including rino Schlapp!
    to WOW: the only thing that is ludicrous is the fact that Skelton calls himself a Republican

  6. BeTH

    Todd Tiahrt holds the position of Kansas Republican National Committeeman supporting all Republicans in our state, but he is endorsing in the “Primaries” some Republicans over others. Is this right? Why is he not being censured?

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