The first public poll covering the race for United States Congress from the Kansas fourth district shows a close race between the two leading contenders, with Republican Mike Pompeo edging Democrat Raj Goyle by 49 percent to 42 percent.
Libertarian Party candidate David Moffett received four percent support, and Reform party candidate Susan Ducey received one percent. Five percent were undecided.
The poll was released by KWCH Television in Wichita and SurveyUSA. The poll’s margin of sampling error was not given, but previous polls by this firm and similar to this have had a margin of sampling error of about four percentage points.
Pompeo receives strong support from young voters. For those under 50 years old, Pompeo leads 59 percent to 28 percent, while for voters over 50, he trails Goyle by 41 percent to 51 percent.
Men favor Pompeo 53 percent to 38 percent, while women favor Goyle 46 percent to 44 percent.
Those who attend church regularly, those with pro-life beliefs, and gun owners favored Pompeo. Democrats, Independents, those with self-described moderate beliefs, and voters with incomes less than $50,000 favored Goyle.
Important dates for voters to remember are these:
October 13: Election offices begin mailing advance voting ballots
October 18: Last day to register to vote or change party affiliation for the general election
October 27: Last day for election office to mail advance voting applications
October 29: Last day for election office to mail advance voting ballots
November 2: Election day

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