Kansas Blog Roundup for September 5, 2008

In Kansas this week, blog coverage of local issues is a little light, partly due to the holiday, but also the Republican convention.

A local blog I’ve just become aware of (but has been around for a few years) is Book Nut. It covers, naturally, books. It’s always amazing to me to see the effort that people put into their blogs, especially ones like this that are hobbies. Douglas and Main remains the leading place to learn about Wichita-area blogs and their posts.

Kansas Liberty features KansasLiberty.com RNC journal report, a series of posts by Kansas Republican national delegate Maria Holiday. Other reporting from this site includes Education PACs gearing up for November, Western Kansas residents take energy price hikes in stride, and 200 judges evaluated – but not a single one recommended for ouster.

The Kansas Meadowlark contributes two posts covering Kansas politics and ethics. New ethics commissioner in Kansas. Updated political profile of Ethics Commission. provides useful political background on members of the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. Then Do we need Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s ethics reforms in Kansas? reports on how a few things Sarah Palin has done in Alaska could be helpful here in Kansas. Next week I will be attending a conference along with the Meadowlark, and I hope to learn more about conducting investigations like his.

Americans for Prosperity-Kansas reports on the Topeka Sales Tax Increase Proposal and why it is bad.

Kansas Progress reports on their progress in appearing well in Google searches in the post A thanks to readers. This blog now has a Facebook group.

At The Kansas Trunkline (The Official Blog of the Kansas Republican Party), blogger Christian Morgan posts from the Republican National Convention. KS GOP Political Director Corrie Kangas also contributes.

Stay Red Kansas reports on a new television advertisement by third district congressional candidate Nick Jordan. You can view the commercial. Also, news that Brownback Confirms Gov. Candidacy.

Over at The Kansas Republican, Custer contributes Convention Talk of New KS GOP Chair. Wild Bill posts Convention Day 1, but then nothing more.

The Wichita NAACP blog contributed the mini-debate post What YOU need to know about the Proposed School Bond Issue, in which I was pleased to be invited to participate.

Boyda Bloc has no new posts this week, which is unusual for this prolific and anonymous blogger (or group of bloggers).

At the Voice For Liberty in Wichita (home of the Kansas Blog Roundup) a few posts cover environmental issues: The Problem of Environmental Calculation, Wind Power: Why Special Tax Treatment?, Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet: Not an Example of Sarah Palin’s Transparent Government, and Kansas Electric Rates Increase Because of Wind Power Generation.

Education issues are covered in Carol Rupe, Kansas School Board Member, Speaks for the Wichita School Bond Issue and Kansas State SAT Scores Continue a Gradual Decline. Kansas National Education Association Candidate Questions starts a series of articles exposing the bias and misinformation present in the Kansas teachers union candidate questionnaire. George Fahnestock’s Wichita School Bond Issue Invitation!!! reports on a possible tell by a school bond spokesman. I interviewed Wichita school bond issue activist Helen Cochran in Mark McCormick’s Wichita School Bond Challenge: The Inside Story.

Local Wichita politics are covered in Wichita Smoking Ban Starts. Sharon Fearey is Excited. Also a useful Wichita resource is discovered in Web Map of Wichita.


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