Kansas Blog Roundup for September 19, 2008

I think I say this almost every week, but I’m amazed at some of the blogs that people create just to showcase and report on their own personal interests. This week it’s Dave Knadler, who is a professional writer. His blog Dave’s Fiction Warehouse deals with books and writing and movies, and also his assorted adventures, which sound like fun.

And while I’m repeating myself, Douglas and Main by Bobby Rozzell remains a great spot to catch up on the good posts in Wichita-area blogs, and to learn of new blogs, too.

At Americans For Prosperity, Kansas chapter head Alan Cobb asks “What if Kansas threw a billion dollar party and nobody showed?” Yes, but it’s only $1.3 billion.

The Kansas Progress reports on a speech by Kansas Governor kathleen Sebelius in The accidental governor at her best. The KRA blog also comments on this in Sebelius: Republicans are racists.

The Flint Hills Center for Public Policy announces a showing in Wichita of Flunked, the movie–A story of failure. A formula for hope. Make your reservation at their site for the free showing. I’ve seen this movie, and it’s very good.

Kansas Liberty has these posts of note: Problems with gangs are explained in Across Kansas, in communities large and small, youth gangs a fact of life. Robert Redford weighs in on Kansas energy policy in The Sunflower Kid versus the coal plant.

The Kansas Trunkline reports on some earmark requests Governor Sebelius has made through second district congressperson Nancy Boyda. See Kathleen Sebelius Spinning on Earmark Requests. The governor’s campaign schedule is an issue in Apparently we are still on a weekend. Also of note: Dennis Moore and Nancy Boyda: Betraying Their Constituents on Energy Reform.

Stay Red Kansas also has complaints about governor Sebelius in Kathy: Give Your Paycheck Back! and What is KATHY DOING?

The Kansas Republican has concerns about her too, as expressed in the question Obama, Do You REALLY Want Sebelius Attacking Palin?

The Kansas Meadowlark is a little light this week but contributes Flying into a double rainbow. I had the pleasure of hanging out with the Meadowlark last week in Scottsdale, Arizona, catching up on news and learning more about blogging.

On Wichitopekington , Brent Wistrom reports on a new budget simulation game in Can you improve the federal budget? Here’s a game to test you.

What is the “triangle tax?” Find out in Questions about the Forever Triangle Tax.

No recent posts from The Joyful Cynic. Too bad, as I enjoy them.

There’s nothing new since August 25th at Boyda Bloc. What could be wrong? This was one of Kansas’ most active blogs with multiple authors and a lot of comments. I sent an email inquiring why.

Kansas Watch recalls some Kansas political history in When Debates Go Very, Very Bad: The 1984 KTWU-TV Kassebaum v. Maher (and Davey Crockett) Debate. There’s video coverage of contemporary news, too: Video: And Now for Something Completely Different–Good Evening from Kansas Watch for 9/17/08. I think I knew this, and this confirms: Amway Study Says Kansans a Little Less Stressed Than Average.

At Voice For Liberty in Wichita, the (sometimes) home of the Kansas Blog Roundup, there was no Roundup last week as I was attending the conference of the State Policy Network.

Wichita school issues are again a topic. The post Wichita School District: TIF Action Tests Accountability and Ethics sets the stage, and the result is that the district failed in a big way. (Reporting to come later.)

Wichita School Safe Rooms: At No Cost? The school district’s architect seems to think so.

The Wichita Eagle is pushing hard for the bond issue to pass. Mark McCormick’s Wichita School Bond Bias explains how the columnist won’t even consider any alternatives. Then, Is Richard Crowson Cartooning For or Against the Wichita School Bond Issue? This post might give you a hint as to how to answer that question: Wichita Eagle’s Richard Crowson: Cartoonist for the Teachers Union.

My friend Helen Cochran of Citizens for Better Education is doing a great job educating Wichita on the merits of opposing the Wichita school bond issue. The post Wichita School Bond Presentation by Helen Cochran comments on a speech she gave to a civic group. And, now that I have video production capability, you can see her speech here: Helen Cochran Speech on Wichita School Bond Issue. Helen used a little visual joke at the start, which I thought was hilarious, but wasn’t received all that well by the stodgy group she spoke to.

Also, Helen has commissioned some political cartoons. View them here: Wichita School Bond Issue Cartoons are Funny

Finally, fundamental reform seems beyond the grasp of Wichita schools: Will Wichita Schools Consider Merit Pay?


2 responses to “Kansas Blog Roundup for September 19, 2008”

  1. […] September 20, 2008 · No Comments Bob Weeks always includes a Friday roundup of blog posts from around Kansas. […]

  2. Thanks for the validation, Bob! I think I’m back now.


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