Job growth in the states


How does your state compare to others in job growth? Is your state growing private sector or government jobs fastest? The interactive visualization below can help you explore this data.

To use the visualization, click the check boxes to add or remove states from the charts. Click on a single job type to display, and select a range of years. Use the visualization below, or click here to open it in a new window. Data is from U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA); visualization created by myself using Tableau Public.


One response to “Job growth in the states”

  1. Ictator

    Back in the mid 1990s, Kansas had a “moratorium,” on unemployment taxes. This tax break lasted about five years. About a year after this tax break began, this state began to rise in various national ratings on economic performance. Income and business revenue grew while unemployment dropped.

    This also occurred at a time when the federal government was not actively attacking business as the Gingrich/Dole congress struggled for power with the Clinton regime. That struggle led to a reduction in capital gains taxes and after several presidential vetoes, welfare reform.

    Fat chance that anything that sensible will come out of the Alinskyite dominated executive branch that is actually running things while our Dear Leader is off golfing with Tiger and Reid reigns and stiffles legislation in the senate.

    Brownback’s bold agenda to eventually eliminate state income taxes has got a lot of big obstacles to overcome. He picked a lot harder road than the unemployment tax. If Brownback can make it happen, I expect Kansas businesses and out of state firms to react the same way they did when unemployment taxes had a moratorium. Sadly, the unemployment tax moratorium ended after about five years and the state’s economy settled back into the “fly over” mediocrity of a state with relatively high tax rates (6.45% personal income max rate & 7.3% corporate), high property taxes, and no ability of voters to control rates through tax referendums like our neighboring states enjoy.

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