Category: Wichita city government

  • Wichita City and School District Campaign Events and Announcements

    I’ve started a page of announcements and events for local campaigns.

    The link is Wichita City and School District Campaign Events and Announcements. Send notice of events and announcements to me at

  • Walking Door-to-Door with Marcey — ummm — Lavonta?

    Wichita city council member Lavonta Williams just launched the website that supports her campaign for re-election.

    It’s a nice website, but it has a little mistake that gives us a clue as to who might be running Williams’ campaign.

    Her “Get involved” page lists this as one of the ways you can help Williams: “Walking door-to-door with Marcey.”

    Marcey? Who is this Marcey? How could someone make the mistake of using the name “Marcey” when it should be “Lavonta?”

    I don’t know, but last year the campaign for Sedgwick County Commissioner of Marcey Gregory, mayor of Goddard, was managed by Wichita public relations personality Beth King. Could there be a connection?

  • Meet Ken Thomas, Wichita City Council Candidate

    I received this invitation to meet Wichita city council candidate Ken Thomas this Saturday. If other candidates for this office (or other offices) have events they’d like to publicize, please notify me. My contact page is here.

    Ken Thomas for City Council
    Vote to get Wichita Working Again

    It takes all of us to make beneficial changes in our City. You can begin by joining us in a show of support for our candidate Ken Thomas for City Council.

    We would like to invite you and your friends to come by to meet Ken Thomas for City Council.

    Saturday, January 24, 11:00 am.
    Broadview Hotel
    400 W. Douglas, Wichita Kansas
    (316) 409-5330

    Ken believes that. . .
    Our streets, roads and bridges need repair.
    We are losing jobs to other cities due to failed economic incentives.
    Increasing tax dollars are being spent on inefficient plans and duplicated efforts.
    For a true “people’s court,” Municipal Court judges should be elected by and accountable to the people, not city officials.
    Opposes the use of eminent domain to take our property and giving it to a private developer.

  • Wichita City Council Candidate James Barfield Addresses Activists

    At Monday’s combined meeting of Campaign For Liberty and Hope For America Coalition, candidate for the Wichita city council district 1 seat James Barfield spoke to the 40 or so activists who gathered.

    “Wichita has a gang problem. A legalized gang operating at 455 N. Main. It’s time for a gang intervention.”

    He went on to remark that government was not designed to take private tax dollars and bail out private enterprise. But that’s what our local city government is doing. Government takes money from taxpayers and gives it to developers, he said. “I despise people who think they can come to the public trough.”

    Barfield believes that Wichita city council members are in the pockets of developers, and the taxpayers pay for that. He told the crowd “We don’t have a voice. We have little say in what they do.”

  • Wichita Election Coverage Launched

    With the March 3 primary election for Wichita city council and school board seats fast approaching, I’ve started a special page of coverage. The page contains links to news stories and candidate websites. If you are aware of news stories or candidate websites that I’ve missed, please send them to me by email at

    The link to the page is Wichita City and School District Candidate Websites and News Coverage.

  • More Subsidy for Downtown Wichita Developers

    Today’s Wichita Eagle reports that Wichita’s “Minnesota Guys,” formally known as Real Development, are seeking yet another subsidy as they work in downtown Wichita. The article in the Eagle is HUD loan sought for downtown Wichita apartment plan.

    In this case, the subsidy sought is a loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some readers say that a loan guarantee is not really a subsidy, as the government isn’t lending or giving Real Development any money. But it’s a subsidy nonetheless.

    A loan guarantee will let Real Development borrow at a lower interest rate than it could without the guarantee. That is a benefit that pays off year after year, as long as the loan is in effect. It also puts the United States taxpayer at risk, as if Real Development defaults on the loan, the U.S. Treasury must pay.

    Judging the risk of default for this loan is difficult. But if this application is approved, we’re stuck with this risk.

    The development receiving this subsidy has also received other subsidies, according to the Eagle: “They got the city of Wichita to agree to spend $3 million to buy Exchange Place and the Bitting Building, and give it to them. The city is also committed to spend up to $6.2 million for a parking deck along Douglas.”

    When the Minnesota Guys came to town a few years ago, they didn’t ask for subsidy, at least according to my research. I wrote to them, commending their position and asking why. Quoting from my letter: “If, as I believe, you have not sought help from our local government, I salute you, and I am very interested as to why.” No one responded to my query.

    We can now confidently place Real Development in the crony capitalist column. Its principals — Michael Elzufon and David Lundberg — have become adept at working the halls of government power for taxpayer subsidy. The danger that Wichita faces is that since these developments are built with capital raised from politicians rather than markets, their roots are shallow.

  • Prudence Requires Postponement of Wichita TIF District: The Video

    Bob Weeks recommends postponing approval of a Wichita TIF district until new procedures are put in place. Plus, a question about future mill levies, with a response from council member Sharon Fearey. The remarks in printed form are at this link: Prudence Requires Postponement of Wichita TIF District.

  • Prudence Requires Postponement of Wichita TIF District

    Remarks to be delivered to the Wichita City Council on January 6, 2009.

    Mr. Mayor, members of the council:

    Last month it was discovered that procedures used to investigate the background of potential city business partners were lacking in some respects. It is now recognized that the process that were in place failed to give city council members information that they needed in order to make a fully-informed decision about the desirability of partnering with a certain development firm.

    Today the council is facing a similar situation. As with the previous case, the TIF district itself has already been approved. Now the actual project plan is before you.

    Also as with the case last month, these developers made application under the vetting process that this council has now realized was faulty.

    To my knowledge, no one has made any allegations that the developers before you today have problems like those that caused the postponement of the project in December. But since these developers applied for and were approved for TIF financing under a system that is now recognized as flawed, we really don’t know.

    There is one thing in particular I would like to know: The developers have been asked to agree to what the city calls a “Tax Increment Shortfall Guaranty.” It seems to me that this guaranty is only as good as the financial condition of the guarantor. Has the city examined financial statements of Reverend Harding and his partners, in order to determine whether they have the financial capacity to make good on this commitment, if it becomes necessary?

    I think the citizens of Wichita would sleep better at night if these developers would go through the new qualification process that the city is preparing. It’s been reported that this new process will be ready soon. Mr. Mayor, why don’t we wait a month or two and investigate these developers under the new process that is presently being developed? Then the citizens of Wichita can have confidence in this council and the project the taxpayers have been asked to subsidize.

    Mr. Mayor and members of the council, there’s another issue that I’d like to call your attention to. That’s the possibility that the city or county — perhaps both — might decide to raise their sales tax rates in exchange for lowering the property tax mill levy. If that were to happen, what would be the impact on TIF districts? The assumptions used in the projection for this TIF district assume that the mill levy in future years is the same as it is today. But if either the city or county were to reduce or eliminate its mill levy, it seems that this — and other — TIF districts would not generate enough property tax to service their debt.

  • Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer’s Message to Wichitans

    Here’s a message someone sent to me. It’s from Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer. It describes some of the ways that government grew in Wichita during 2008. It also promotes the mayor’s plan for greater centralized planning and control over Wichita’s future.

    All this government expansion leads to less prosperity, making the mayor’s wish for a prosperous new year ring hollow.


    We made 2008 a wonderful year. We made investments to help stabilize and secure out aviation industry. We maintained competitive and affordable airfares. We retained and attracted new jobs. We took first steps to improve our parks and recreations system with the adoption of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan. We were also honored when Old Town was named A Great Neighborhood in America. As we enter the new year, I want to thank you for your support in our successes.

    2009 provides another opportunity for us to partner to achieve greater successes. I believe it’s time to transform downtown Wichita. We need to start by connecting Old Town, the Intrust Bank Arena area and riverfront development such as the Wichita WaterWalk. That’s just the beginning.

    As we embark on the planning process, I need your input because downtown is everybody’s neighborhood and because public engagement is key to success. The interest you have shown in helping to forward my vision for a new and revitalized downtown sends a unified message that downtown is “our neighborhood”. I need you to continue to share that vision in the coming months.

    The Wichita City Council recently decided to form a steering committee charged with collecting input from citizens. Their feedback will be used to create the vision and the next steps to build a better downtown. That committee will be appointed in early 2009 and will, soon after, begin holding public meetings.

    Please stay engaged and keep me informed about your ideas for downtown. Here’s wishing you a prosperous new year.

    Mayor Carl Brewer