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Letters on Wichita Bowllagio
Letters recently appeared in the Wichita Eagle regarding the proposed Bowllagio project, a west side entertainment destination. Bowllagio is planned to have a bowling and entertainment center, a boutique hotel, and a restaurant owned by a celebrity television chef.
‘This Week in Kansas’ new to KAKE Television
At the end of May, a Kansas broadcasting institution came to an end: Kansas Week, produced by KPTS public television in Wichita. KAKE Television (channel 10) in Wichita immediately started a similar show titled This Week in Kansas, with the same Tim Brown as host.
Candidates for Congress to debate in El Dorado
The candidates for the Republican Party nomination for United States Congress from the fourth district of Kansas will participate in a forum this Friday in El Dorado.
Tour of Register of Deeds office offered
Americans for Prosperity-Kansas, Wichita Chapter, will hold an informational tour of the Sedgwick County Register of Deeds Office on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, at 11:30 am in the lobby of the Sedgwick County Courthouse at 525 N. Main in Wichita.
To Kansas school spending advocates, criticism comes fast and loose
As the debate over the funding of Kansas public schools goes on, sometimes facts get lost in the shuffle, and school spending advocates sometimes invent “facts” in order to score political points by criticizing those working to bring inconvenient facts to light.
In Central-Northeast Wichita, government is cause of problem, not solution
From the November 2007 archives. Since then, the Wichita schools have a new superintendent, and Kansas has raised its minimum wage. An article in The Wichita Eagle “Plan offers hope for city’s troubled heart” (November 14, 2007) reports on the development of a plan named New Communities Initiative, its goal being the revitalizing of a…
Rep. Steve Brunk to address Pachyderms
This Friday, the Wichita Pachyderm Club presents Kansas State Representative Steve Brunk, Republican from Bel Aire, as the speaker. His topics will include proposed House Concurrent Resolution 5019, the REAL (Revenue Expenditure and Assessment Limitations) Act — a state constitutional amendment dealing with revenue, expenditures, assessment, and limited government, the need to restructure the budget,…
AFP Defending the American Dream Summit
Here’s a photo of the general session of the Americans for Prosperity Defending the American Dream Summit, October 3, 2009.
DeBoer plan for Wichita downtown redevelopment largely realized
Hundreds of millions have already been spent for downtown redevelopment and what do we have to show for it? In contrast, look at the benign neglect the city has had on the thriving east and west sides of town where projects on Maize and Webb roads have prospered despite heavy property taxes.