Category: Liberty
Stephen Ware: Debate on masks, freedom
Can libertarians accept a mask mandate?
In Wichita, the surveillance state expands again — and again
In Wichita, we see another example of how once government starts a surveillance program, the urge to expand it is irresistible.
In Wichita, the surveillance state expands again
In Wichita, we see another example of how once government starts a surveillance program, it probably won’t produce the promised results, yet will be expanded.
AFP Foundation wins a battle for free speech for everyone
Americans for Prosperity Foundation achieves a victory for free speech and free association.
‘Love Gov’ humorous and revealing of government’s nature
A series of short videos from the Independent Institute entertains and teaches lessons at the same time.
Classical liberalism means liberty, individualism, and civil society
Not to be confused with modern American liberalism or liberal Republicans, classical liberalism places highest value on liberty and the individual.
WichitaLiberty.TV: Liberty and individualism, or control and collectivism?
Can classical liberalism, that is to say modern libertarianism, provide an alternative to the command and control society of today?
David Theroux: C.S. Lewis on mere liberty and the evils of statism
David J. Theroux, founder and president of The Independent Institute and the C.S. Lewis Society of California, discusses the writings of C.S. Lewis and Lewis’s views on liberty, natural law and statism.