Category: Quick takes
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Thursday September 6, 2012
Debbie Wasserman Schultz lies about lying During these convention weeks, advocates on both sides have been fact-checking the other side, and charges are being made about which side is the biggest, boldest liar. But when people lie about lying … that’s a whole new level. Human Events reports on DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and…
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Thursday May 17, 2012
Today: Watchdog reporter at Pachyderm; Kansas senators vote for cronyism; Koch = big oil?; Economic freedom; We aren’t Greece … yet.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Thursday May 10, 2012
Today: Kansas tax reform; School funding; Separation of art and state; Stimulus spending; Elizabeth Warren; Drug court to be Pachyderm topic; Failure of socialism to be shown; Yes we can! No they can’t!
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday May 2, 2012
Today: When government pays, government controls; The moral case for capitalism; Moran to address Pachyderms; Funding pet projects without earmarks; Harm of taxes; Role of prices.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday April 25, 2012
Today: Income growth in Kansas and Sedgwick County; Tax reform is needed in Kansas; Protect us from onion prices; Silencing ALEC; TSA in Wichita, and in general; An extra comma; If I wanted America to fail.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Monday April 23, 2012
Today: Proclamations for this week; American Exceptionalism to be topic; Taxpayer-funded lobbying; Kansas Policy Institute advertisement. Wichita Eagle editorial board.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday April 3, 2012
Today: Arts funding; Arts censorship; Comparison of state comparisons; Ryan tax plan; Are earmarks returning?
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Monday April 2, 2012
Today: Action on sustainability; Economic development through competitiveness; Those populist Pachyderms; We just don’t understand, they say; Colleges indoctrinate students; Job creation; Markets: exploitation or empowerment?