WichitaLiberty.TV: Russ McCullough, Ottawa University and Gwartney Institute

In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: Dr. Russ McCullough of Ottawa University introduces us to the Gwartney Institute and explains the importance of economic freedom. View below, or click here to view at YouTube. Episode 194, broadcast April 28, 2018.


Dr. Russ McCullough is the Wayne Angell Chair of Economics at Ottawa University in Kansas. He is also the Founder/Director of the Gwartney Institute for Freedom, Justice and Human Flourishing — A think tank that explores the evidence of social institutions around the world including faith and economics. He joined OU in 2011 coming from Iowa State University where he earned his PhD in Public Economics and taught classes while pursuing many entrepreneurial endeavors.

He completed his BA degree at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota where he grew up. While working on his dissertation in 1997, he was offered co-ownership in a real estate firm he worked at through school that specialized in college student housing. Property management and real estate sales eventually grew into having a few agents under his brokerage license. Shortly thereafter his daily activities focused more on real estate development which included multi-family housing, commercial mixed-use buildings and subdivisions. Real estate served as a catalyst into other business ventures including a construction company, a restaurant, a boutique hotel and an equestrian center.

Russ has studied and taught the economic principles of Fredrick Bastiat to his students in a course he developed called Entrepreneurial Economics. In addition to Bastiat, this class includes readings from Frederick Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises, Israel Kirzner and Ayn Rand.


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