Wichita school board to take citizen input on budget

From the website of USD 259, the Wichita public school district:

“The Board of Education is hosting a Board Night Out community meeting to discuss the 2009-2010 budget on Monday, May 18, 7 – 9 p.m. at Washington Elementary, 424 N. Pennsylvania. Community members are invited to learn about the district’s budget and to provide feedback, which will be used as the BOE finalizes the budget.”


One response to “Wichita school board to take citizen input on budget”

  1. Parents of a 14 year old

    Our students will need reading and math throughout their entire lives, but EVERYONE OF THEM will very much need to start their DRIVING lives with a drivers education background. Parents ARE paying extra for this much sought after course. I for one am trying to teach our daughter as much about safe driving as possible, yet I remember the valuable lessons I learned from driver education class and the films we had to watch on what can happen in unattentive driving. Can we afford not to educate our students and perhaps save a life? For their sake and the sake of every driver on the road, please don’t eliminate this very important subject.

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