Wichita school board chooses not to keep business local


Paul Driver of ATG Sports wonders why the board of USD 259, the Wichita public school district, is about to award a construction contract to an out-of-state company when a local, cheaper alternative is available.

The district’s clear message during the bond issue campaign last year was that the construction business would be good for local companies. In its first major contract award, however, the board chooses a Texas company over a local company. That’s even though the local company’s bid was less.

More new coverage of this topic is available in these stories:

Local firm disputes Wichita bond turf contract (Wichita Eagle)
Wichita school board disagrees over turf, but approves contract (Wichita Eagle)
Turf War Erupts During Wichita School Board Meeting (KAKE)
Wichita School Board Approves Out of State Turf Bid (KWCH)