Kansas City charter school succeeds in urban environment

USD 259, the Wichita public school district, doesn’t want them.

The Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) — the teachers union — doesn’t want them either.

But where they’re able to exist, charter schools usually do a good job. They often excel. And where they don’t do a good job, they usually go out of business.

200 miles from Wichita, in Kansas City, Missouri, a charter school is doing a great job with urban children. Watch the following video about KIPP Endeavor Academy.


2 responses to “Kansas City charter school succeeds in urban environment”

  1. B. Matthew

    I’ve heard about this amazing school in Kansas City and the wonderful things they are doing for middle school students. What a wonderful concept – to provide a healthy alternative (not to mention a little competition) to a decaying school district. Now if we could just do something like this in Wichita!

  2. J. Smith

    The school is doing amazing things. I visited a couple months ago. Students give the tours. The proof is in their results – they are making years worth of growth in just months.

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