Construction Companies Line Up for Wichita School Work

The Wichita Business Journal reports the story Eby to bid on Wichita schools work with new bond underwriter. The story describes how a prominent Wichita construction firm has placed its bonding situation in order, and is now ready to take on some work for USD 259, the Wichita public school district.

This company paid the price of admission to this game. Sort of. Campaign finance reports for Citizens Alliance for Responsible Education (CARE) show that this company made a contributions of $1,000 towards the effort to pass the Wichita school bond issue.

A generous contribution? Maybe not generous enough. Eby will be competing with the likes of Key Construction, Inc.. This company contributed $11,000.

Also, this $1,000 will be competing with the $10,000 contribution made by Clay Davis, president of National Contractors Inc. and the $6,000 contributed by Hutton Construction Company. I wonder how well they’ll do.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that these construction companies, along with others and the many architectural firms that made generous contributions, are genuinely interested in the education of Wichita’s schoolchildren. Something tells me, though, there’s other interests that trump those of the children.


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