Walking Door-to-Door with Marcey — ummm — Lavonta?

Wichita city council member Lavonta Williams just launched the website that supports her campaign for re-election.

It’s a nice website, but it has a little mistake that gives us a clue as to who might be running Williams’ campaign.

Her “Get involved” page lists this as one of the ways you can help Williams: “Walking door-to-door with Marcey.”

Marcey? Who is this Marcey? How could someone make the mistake of using the name “Marcey” when it should be “Lavonta?”

I don’t know, but last year the campaign for Sedgwick County Commissioner of Marcey Gregory, mayor of Goddard, was managed by Wichita public relations personality Beth King. Could there be a connection?


10 responses to “Walking Door-to-Door with Marcey — ummm — Lavonta?”

  1. ken

    It is a sad day when people put their campaign in the hands of Beth King.

  2. LOL

    Beth King’s ratio of of losses to wins is too funny. She has only won Brewer’s race.

  3. Sylvester

    Beth King lost her own campaign against Joe Pisciotte for City Council, but Brewer has enlisted her to help Lavonta. I am not sure that she won Brewer’s. Former Mayor Mayans did not campaign very hard and the Wichita Eagle did all the work

  4. Joe Williams

    I live in Lavonta’s district and I e-mailed her on a business related issue in regards to her district.

    I haven’t heard a response yet and it’s been well over a month.

  5. I found this forum discussion while doing an optimization search for a web site that we designed last month – williamsforwichita.com.

    You know, even great campaign managers like Beth King can make mistakes, but in this instance it was not her mistake it was our design firm’s mistake.

    Our firm did take some direction from the Marcey Gregory campaign website – a website we found to be very informative and put together in a very professional manner. With that, we failed to catch our mistake that made it on to the Lavonta Williams site. It was a mistake, not bad campaign management.

    This is NOT a reason to crucify Ms. King and her abilities to run a campaign. She is very professional and very capable, and works very hard as was demonstrated in the last several elections. Sour grapes do not taste sweeter as time goes by. You win some, you lose some.

    And thanks for the heads up on the typo – we have fixed it now. We truly regret the grief this seems to have caused on this forum.

  6. Beth King


    Thank you for finding and pointing out this mistake. People make mistakes, myself included.

    While I realize that we have some philosophical differences, I am sorry if I’ve done something / anything of which I am unaware that may have personally offended you and therefore led to this public discussion — instead of you simply calling me or notifying me privately of this error.

    Nonetheless, I thank you again for pointing out the mistake. I’m sure it won’t be the last one I ever make!

  7. ken

    It was not sour grapes and I don’t know of anyone trying to crucify Ms. King.
    I just hope Lavonta is getting a big discount from King and your group since you both seem to be using and approving exisiting materials. hey, why recreate the wheel, right?

    Recycling…………now that’s a good thing, isn’t it?

    And don’t confuse typo with proof reading. A must in a business such as yours!

  8. Beth King

    Ken — You are oh so correct! My mistake — plain and simple! Nice of the firm to try to take the hit, but my error. Thanks for your comments.

  9. MDinKansas

    I think it’s interesting that, throughout this entire discussion, Ms. King seems to be taking the high road and the other (anonymous) commenters seem to be, essentially, slandering her.

    Kudos to Ms. King for being a part of the political process, win, lose or draw. Standing up for one’s beliefs is something that should be admired and respected, even if we don’t agree with those beliefs. Keep up the public service, Ms. King – Wichita has been (and will continue to be) better off for it!

  10. Mr_Omnipotent

    Considering the heavily laden Republican commission district, I thought that Marcey Gregory put on a pretty good show. As to Beth losing to Pisciotte, she lost on less than a 100 votes on over 7,000 cast. Considering that Pisciotte had a 35 percentage point lead coming out of the primary, I’d say she did well. Well enough? No, but pretty darn well. At the end of the day, I’ll respect anyone who’s in the game instead of sitting on the sidelines casting stones.

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