‘MyWichita’ a useful service

The City of Wichita has a feature on its website that lets citizens receive timely and useful information by email, instead of requiring citizens to continually check the site for updates.

Its name is “MyWichita.” It’s available as a link in the right-hand column of the city’s website, or you can go right to MyWichita by clicking on www.wichita.gov/mywichita.

You can do a few things like pay your water bill or search and apply for city jobs. But for me — and I suspect for many interested and involved citizens — the best part is receiving timely information by email.

You’ll need to create a MyWichita account, which is free and easy. Then, by clicking on “Receive daily updates sent right to your email,” you can select the types of information you’d like to be notified of.

You can select to receive press releases, city council agendas and minutes, district advisory board agenda and minutes, agendas and minutes of other boards, and a variety of items.

You don’t receive the actual items in your email. The email contains links to the items. That’s okay, as it’s really the notification that an item is available that is useful.


2 responses to “‘MyWichita’ a useful service”

  1. Larry Weber

    Bob – Hey thanks for the insight on the adding the subscriptions to mywichita login. I didn’t realize you could automatically get the info like that.

  2. Thanks for this information and link. This is helpful stuff for every citizen of Wichita.

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