More Wichita travel on tap

At tomorrow’s meeting of the Wichita City Council, approval of more council member travel is on the agenda.

The two items are:

  • Approval of travel expenses for Council Member Miller to attend the Annual Built Environment and the Outdoors Summit in Topeka, Kansas, October 1-6, 2009.
  • Approval of travel expenses for Mayor Brewer, Vice-Mayor Skelton, Council Member Schlapp, Council Member Gray, Council Member Williams, and Council Member Miller to attend the LKM Annual Conference in Topeka, Kansas, October 3-6, 2009.

(I wonder why Council Member Jeff Longwell isn’t making the LKM trip.)

As of early Monday morning, the agenda packet (that’s the detailed material, sometimes several hundred pages, that accompanies the agenda) is not available for tomorrow’s meeting. But the agenda packet usually doesn’t contain more information about these travel items.

I’ll be at the council meeting tomorrow asking that Janet Miller’s junket to France be canceled. (The city is also paying for a private citizen to take the trip with Miller.) I’ll ask that the council cancel this travel, too.


3 responses to “More Wichita travel on tap”

  1. Charlotte

    The citizens of Wichita should not be paying for Janet Miller and friend to go to France.

  2. Mike

    Hi, if the “waterless water walk” is any indication of what our fair city has learned at the Annual Built Environment and the Outdoors Summit, they better not go. Look them up on the web and you can see how the idea of wasting money on downtown started. Look up the other place “League of Kansas Municipalities” and see that they are a place to have a conference out of town. I looked up the LKM and found that all you can do is register for their conference, apparently (other than that) they have NO FUNCTION WHATSOEVER.

    Thanks so much for all you do.


  3. Pat

    Uhhh, Mike, you might want to browse their website. The KLM does do a number of other things. Whether it’s a waste of money is another discussion………………………….

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