Missing from Wichita’s white papers: China

The City of Wichita has recently prepared a group of white papers examining issues facing Wichita, such as water supply, infrastructure, and “quality of life” improvements such as a new library, and convention center. These white papers may be found under the “Workshops” tab on this page at wichita.gov.

Mayor - Investors in China are interested in Wichita projects 2013-12-19 pageThere’s something missing from these papers. When Mayor Carl Brewer returned from a recent trip to China, he told us that Chinese investors could be a source of funds for Wichita’s needs. The city council now seems posed to recommend that Wichita voters approve a sales tax increase to pay for these items. The possibility of foreign investors cannot be found in these white papers, as far as I can see.

Here’s what the Wichita Eagle reported in December:

Chinese investors stand ready to plow money into Wichita, Mayor Carl Brewer told The Eagle on Wednesday: investing in commercial real estate, aviation businesses and – much to the mayor’s surprise — city projects like the Century II renovation or rebuild, water and sewer improvements, libraries and a new water source.

Sometime in 2014, two groups of potential Chinese investors — aviation investors and private partners with the city — will be in Wichita to examine opportunities. Then, a reciprocal trip of Wichita business people will be organized, said Brewer and Karyn Page, president of Kansas Global Trade Services. (Mayor: Chinese investors interested in Wichita December 18, 2013 Wichita Eagle)

Now, just six months after the mayor’s trip to China, the possibility of Chinese investors in Wichita’s projects like a new water source, water and sewer improvements, libraries, and convention center seems to be forgotten.


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