An interactive visualization of the 2020 general election for president in Kansas, at the precinct level.
Professor Brian Amos of Wichita State University has published precinct-level returns for the Kansas 2020 general election for the presidential and senatorial contests. I present the presidential returns in an interactive visualization.
Precincts are colored by Biden vote percentage, with values less than 50 percent colored red. As you hover over a precinct, a table of data should appear.
There is a filter for the total number of votes cast in a precinct. I recommend setting it to start with one, as there are some precincts like DL01 in Sedgwick County which is the zoo and has no voters. So instead of appearing red in a misleading way, it will appear white. If you do notice anyone voting in that precinct, then we have a problem!
Source of data:
author = Voting and Election Science Team
publisher = Harvard Dataverse
title = 2020 Precinct-Level Election Results
year = 2020
version = V3
doi = 10.7910/DVN/K7760H
url =
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