Tag: Ron Estes
Election Deniers in Kansas
Some candidates for high office in Kansas believe in the lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
Proceed with the presidential transition
Further delay in starting the transition to the Biden administration harms Americans. Kansas Republican leaders, please get started.
WichitaLiberty.TV: Election 2018 preview
In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: Karl Peterjohn and Bob Weeks provide a preview of the congressional and gubernatorial election for the Wichita area in November 2018.
WichitaLiberty:TV: Ron and Susan Estes
United States Representative Ron Estes joins Bob Weeks to talk about the tax bill, his op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, and Susan Estes tells us what Mrs. Smith does when Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
Kansas Special Congressional Election
An interactive map of voting in the special congressional election in Kansas district 4, for Sedgwick County only.
Kansas State Treasurer Ron Estes on KPERS
Kansas State Treasurer Ron Estes gave a presentation on the status of KPERS, the Kansas State Employees Pension System.