Tag: Politics

  • Harold Koh nomination threatens American law and sovereignty

    President Barack Obama has appointed Harold Koh to be Legal Advisor to the State Department. While a job with this title might seem to be relatively minor, it turns out that this position is quite influential and powerful. Koh’s views on the law indicate that he should not be confirmed by the Senate for this…

  • The audacity of hopelessness

    By Gregory L. Schneider President Barack Obama has had his way with business in his first hundred days in office. He is the only president in American history to fire a CEO of a private business, Rick Wagoner of General Motors. He called bondholders of Chrysler Corporation speculators after they refused a government-financed deal that…

  • Government-run health care focus of May 24 demonstration

    Next Sunday, Wichita-area citizens will have an opportunity to let their fellow citizens and the Obama administration know of the dangers of government control of health care.

  • Activist training to be held in Wichita

    Next Monday (May 18, 2009), American Majority will be holding activist training in Wichita. This group does a great job teaching activists and candidates how to be effective.

  • Future of the tea party protests

    The Washington Times ponders the future of the tea party protest movement in Anti-tax crusade to storm Capitol. One promising sign: “In some areas we’ve noticed tea party activists are getting involved in local government in school boards [and] town councils.”

  • I’ll help you with technology

    I hate to see activists struggle with technology. Whether it’s creating and managing a blog, using Facebook or Twitter, or just using computers and the Internet effectively, I’d like to help.

  • Wichita tea party covered in East Wichita News

    Cathy Feemster, Managing Editor of East Wichita News, has some great coverage of the Wichita tea party protest on tax day. Click on 2,000 ‘Tea Party’ at Grass Roots Protest for the story.

  • Stephen Moore: Tea party like “sonic boom”

    Speaking at a recent event held by the Sam Adams Alliance, Wall Street Journal editorial board member and economist Stephen Moore told tea party protesters that “the message that you all delivered was heard like a sonic boom in Washington. We’ve never seen anything like it.”

  • The ABC’s of Virginia Alcohol Law

    At the recent Sammies awards presented by the Sam Adams Alliance, a video titled The ABC’s of Virginia Alcohol Law received an award. It’s a funny video. It’s not the most important issue in the world, but it shows us another example of the ways that government get so twisted up in a knot (of…