Tag: Politics

  • Chemical facilities act would increase cost, not safety

    As reported earlier, the United States Congress is considering legislation — the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards — that will increase regulation on chemical plants and facilities. The proposed legislation, however, would extend government control into another of our nation’s most important industries. It would require companies to change their manufacturing processes and substitute products in…

  • Seven principles of sound public policy

    Lawrence W. Reed, now the president of the Foundation for Economic Education, has a short booklet available that can help citizens analyze whether a government policy is sound. Titled Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy, it’s a comfortably short pamphlet of just 11 pages. But it’s full of a lot of wisdom.

  • Government-run health care focus of June 6 demonstration

    This Saturday, Wichita-area citizens will have an opportunity to let their fellow citizens and the Obama administration know of the dangers of government control of health care. The event will be on Saturday, June 6, 2009, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

  • Video message can’t rehabilitate Wichita’s reputation

    The Wichita organization ROKICT.com has produced a video that attempts to rehabilitate Wichita’s reputation in light of the events of yesterday. Introduced as “About wichita — a reaction from the arts community to the kansas stigma after the murder of dr. tiller” it’s been viewed over 750 times on YouTube.

  • Kansas campaign press release archive started

    Kansas campaign press release archive started

  • Politics impossible to ignore in Tiller murder

    About 500 people gathered in Wichita’s Old Town Square last night in a vigil to remember the life of murdered Wichita doctor George Tiller. Tiller was notable as one of the few doctors in the United States who performed late-term abortions. One speaker at the vigil said that Tiller was the victim of a hate…

  • Chemical Facility Security Authorization Act threatens American economy

    Earlier this week I reported on legislation being considered by Congress that would, under the lofty goal of national security, impose a huge burden on the American chemical industry. (Chemical security law goes beyond protection) Our agricultural industries need to be concerned, too. The article Homeland Security To Regulate Farm and Ranch Inputs? details some…

  • Kris Kobach campaign in Wichita

    Republican Kris Kobach stopped by Wichita yesterday afternoon in his trip across Kansas supporting his candidacy for the Kansas Secretary of State. Kobach’s main reason for running, he says, is ACORN and the voter fraud it spreads. “It is a political organization, but it is also a criminal enterprise. It’s a criminal enterprise that is…

  • Chemical security law goes beyond protection

    Congress is about to consider legislation that, on the surface, seems like it implements an important goal. Its name — Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards — suggests something that no one could oppose. The proposed legislation, however, would extend government control into another of our nation’s most important industries. It would require companies to change their…