Tag: Politics

  • What type of turf is a lie?

    The Lone Star Times reports how, at a town hall meeting in Texas, an Obama supporter claimed to be a physician when asking a question. But she isn’t: Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum. I wonder if this happened at the same Sheila Jackson Lee town hall where the Member…

  • Astroturf, Obama style

    At the recent New Hampshire town hall meeting, President Obama took a softball question from a young girl. It seemed innocent enough. Almost natural.

  • Astroturf, union style

    The American left takes great delight in making accusations of “astroturfing.” Meaning that nothing that conservatives or libertarians do, such as attending tea party protests or raising a ruckus at town hall meetings, is real. It’s all driven from the top, the left says. I wonder: When a government employee labor union provides a service…

  • Eugene Robinson doesn’t get it

    “I don’t know if you’d call it passion or manufactured passion … the uproar at these meetings is counterproductive .. and it’s organized, which I think is the most disturbing part of it.”

  • Tea party event planned in Wichita

    Kansans for Liberty presents An American Tea Party September 11, 2009, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Sedgwick County Park, Wichita, Kansas

  • Nancy Armstrong memorial radio call-in show

    Tomorrow there will be a radio show in Nancy’s honor.

  • South Central Kansas 9-12 group works for government accountability

    I’ve not attended any of their meetings, but I’ve seen some of these folks in action, so I know the members of the South Central Kansas 9-12 group are a dedicated bunch. If you’re looking for a group where you can be involved in working for freedom as defined in the United States Constitution, this…

  • Howard Dean lies about Sarah Palin

    Today, while watching the former governor of Vermont on MSNBC television, I heard Dean said this about Sarah Palin: “…and I don’t think she can see Russia from her house.” But Palin never said such a thing. Tine Fey, acting as Palin, did.

  • Raj Goyle’s lecturing at Wichita State University sporadic

    Raj Goyle’s website, in announcing his candidacy, states: “In addition to his legislative duties, Goyle serves as a lecturer at Wichita State University.” While perhaps satisfying the technical description of a lecturer at Wichita State University, his career as that is spotty.