Tag: Politics

  • Your Kansas Tax Dollars: Efficient, Effective & Targeted?

    Following is a press release concerning an event of interest this Saturday in Arkansas City.

    Arkansas City (February 16, 2010) – “In any economy, but especially our current economy, the use of tax dollars is an issue every Kansas taxpayer should be interested and involved in. As we visit with citizens, we’re finding they do not truly understand how their state tax dollars are spent. Unfortunately this makes it difficult for them to participate in the discussion over how to solve our state’s fiscal crisis, and we certainly want and need their input. We are excited about the opportunity to have a broad public dialogue regarding use of tax dollars,” said Steve Abrams and Kasha Kelley, 32nd District Senator and 79th District Representative respectively.

  • Americans for Prosperity model budget to be presented

    This Friday Derrick Sontag, Kansas State Director for Americans for Prosperity, will address members and guests of the Wichita Pachyderm Club. His topic is “An update on the budget shortfall in Kansas, how we got there through excessive spending, and how our state’s tax burden compares with neighboring states.”

    AFP’s model budget for Kansas is titled Commonsense Budget Proposal. It contains “a roadmap for legislators seeking to make Kansas government more efficient — and less costly — without turning to Kansas taxpayers,” according to Sontag.

    All are welcome to attend Pachyderm club meetings. The program costs $10, which includes a delicious buffet lunch including salad, soup, two main dishes, and ice tea and coffee. The meeting starts at noon, although it’s recommended to arrive fifteen minutes early to get your lunch before the program starts.

    The Wichita Petroleum Club is on the ninth floor of the Bank of America Building at 100 N. Broadway (north side of Douglas between Topeka and Broadway) in Wichita, Kansas (click for a map and directions). Park in the garage just across Broadway and use the sky walk to enter the Bank of America building. Bring your parking garage ticket to be stamped and your parking fee will be only $1.00. There is usually some metered and free street parking nearby.

  • Eric Payne, Joseph Scapa address county Republicans

    Last night’s meeting of the Sedgwick County Republican Party featured speeches by two candidates for the Republican party nomination for the Kansas House of Representatives from the 87th district. Democrat Raj Goyle is the incumbent, and he is not seeking re-election.

    Eric Payne (campaign website) and Joseph Scapa (campaign website not available) each spoke for about 15 minutes. Both are young businessmen running for office for the first time. The filing deadline is not until June, so more Republicans could enter this race. No other party has announced a candidate. Payne has been running for six months and has raised substantial campaign funds. Scapa announced his candidacy at the end of January.

    Eric Payne 2010-02-18 Eric Payne

    Payne, who works in his family’s propane business, told of growing up in Salina and graduating from Kansas State University. He said that after building a house in the 87th district, he became concerned about Goyle’s representation of the district.

    Payne said that Kansas government needs to be run as he does his business, keeping expenses low and running as efficiently as possible. He noted the all-time high number of Kansas government employees, presently numbering 40,000. He noted that Kansas government spending has increased rapidly since 2004 while revenue increased at a slower pace, which he called unsustainable. This happened while the Kansas economy and population remained relatively stable, he said.

    He spoke in favor of limited government, mentioning four core principles: lowering the tax burden, refocusing government agencies on their core missions, improving efficiency and transparency in spending, and promoting a common sense government.

    Payne said that Kansas needs to be a leader in attracting business and driving our economy through entrepreneurship and productivity, two concepts he said were not foreign to Wichitans.

    He called for simplification of the Kansas tax structure, one that would have low rates on a broad base.

    Payne said he is a pro-life Republican, committed to protecting traditional family values. He supports the second amendment right to self-defense.

    Joseph Scapa 2010-02-18Joseph Scapa

    Scapa said he was born and raised in Wichita, attending North High School, Wichita State University, and Tabor College. He was president of Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs at WSU. He said he learned about marketing and business during this time. After working in Management for three years, he has worked as a real estate agent for ten years. He has also served as a substitute teacher in the Wichita public school system.

    Scapa said the he’s been planning to run for office for about two years. He said he is a Todd Tiahrt conservative. He wants to make Kansas one of the most business- and family-friendly states. He said the current representative of the 87th district doesn’t represent the values of the district.

    He said we should reduce the size of government, which has increased the tax burden on individuals and business. We’ve moved too far away from the Constitution, he said, and we need to return to sustainable government and the Constitution.

    People need to know that their tax dollars are being spent wisely, he said, and this requires transparency and integrity.

    Reducing the tax burden would help create jobs, and he said he would sign a no new tax pledge.

    He said that he is in favor of consolidating school districts to reduce costs. Other agencies could be consolidated where there are duplication of services. He referenced the quote: “Nobody spends someone else’s money as carefully as he spends his own,” saying that if we did that with the Kansas budget, we’d start cutting a lot of things.

    On education, Scapa said we need to produce students that are competitive in the job market. Parents need to control the direction of their children’s education, and he supports school vouchers. He said that financial literacy is important to teach. Citing his experience helping young couples buy their first home, he said this is not being taught in schools.

    Scapa said he believes in the second amendment and is strongly pro-life.

  • Mary Ann Glendon to appear in Wichita for Pompeo

    Mary Ann Glendon, who was the United States Ambassador to the Holy See and is the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, will appear in Wichita for two events on behalf of the Mike Pompeo campaign for the Republican party nomination for the United States House of Representatives from the fourth district of Kansas.

    Last year Glendon turned down an award from Notre Dame University when she learned that President Barack Obama would be receiving an honorary degree at the same time.

    There will be two events on March 2. One is a private lunch event for donors. The second is a free public event titled “Faith, Family, and Liberty.” It will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Wichita at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:00 p.m.).

    For more information, contact Susan Pompeo at spompeo@cox.net or click on Former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican coming to Wichita.

  • Journey to speak on ‘crystal ball of politics’

    This Friday, former Kansas senator and current district court judge Phil Journey will speak to members and guests of the Wichita Pachyderm Club. His topic is “The Crystal Ball of Politics.” Journey is an engaging speaker, and many members are looking forward to this meeting.

    All are welcome to attend Pachyderm club meetings. The program costs $10, which includes a delicious buffet lunch including salad, soup, two main dishes, and ice tea and coffee. The meeting starts at noon, although it’s recommended to arrive fifteen minutes early to get your lunch before the program starts.

    The Wichita Petroleum Club is on the ninth floor of the Bank of America Building at 100 N. Broadway (north side of Douglas between Topeka and Broadway) in Wichita, Kansas (click for a map and directions). Park in the garage just across Broadway and use the sky walk to enter the Bank of America building. Bring your parking garage ticket to be stamped and your parking fee will be only $1.00. There is usually some metered and free street parking nearby.

  • Second Lecture on Liberty to be in Emporia

    The second in the series of three Lectures on Liberty will be held on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at the historic Granada Theater in downtown Emporia. The speaker will be Jonathan Bean, professor of history at Southern Illinois University and the editor of Race and Classical Liberalism, a wonderful collection of original sources which has been endorsed by Ward Connerly, Shelby Steele, and Linda Chavez, among others. Professor Bean will be speaking on the topic: “God Almighty Made But One Race: Separating Race and State.” The lecture is free and open to the public and begins at 7:00 pm.

    The ESU Lectures on Liberty was conceived by Greg Schneider, professor of History at Emporia State University, to bring in important academics who support the idea of research and scholarship on critical issues regarding liberty in American history. The lecture series is underwritten by the Fred C. and Mary R. Koch Foundation in Wichita.

    For more information, contact Dr. Schneider, gschneid@emporia.edu, 620-341-5565.

    The Granada Theater is at 807 Commercial Street in downtown Emporia. Google maps shows that from Central and Rock Road in Wichita, it’s a 84 mile drive that should take one hour and 22 minutes. Click here for the Google map with driving directions.

  • Wichita winter tea party: it’s inside this Saturday

    Kansans For Liberty is hosting a tea party this Saturday February 20 at Century II Exhibition Hall. It starts at 1:00 pm.

    Lynda Tyler, the organizer for this event, says that there are two levels to this event: A stage with organizations, candidates, a forum, ending with keynote speaker Apostle Claver.

    The other level is the decorated tables around the outside of the room representing organizations and campaigns from all over Kansas.

    The event is free to the public. There will be raffles for flags, baskets, dinners to Mike’s Steakhouse, and two tickets to see Sarah Palin at the Intrust Bank Arena in May. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00. The door prize drawing is for two tickets to the VIP Round Table breakfast with Mike Huckabee on February 24th at 8:15 that morning.

    There is an after rally VIP Fundraising Dinner with Apostle Claver at Whiskey Creek Steakhouse. Tickets for this event are $50.00.

    Radio personality Paul Ibbetson, host of “The Conscious of Kansas” on Wildcat 91.1 in Manhattan, will emcee the event.

    Candidates for the United State Senate Todd Tiahrt and Jerry Moran will address the crowd early in the event.

    Insurance Commissioner candidate David Powell will speak, followed by Dr. George Watson speaking on health care issues facing America Today.

    The Independence Caucus group will explain their vetting process that will help voters understand the various positions and views of the candidates who have gone through the process. They will also introduce the congressional candidates who have gone through this process and where you can find the results online.

    The Fair Tax KC group will be here with a plan to eliminate the IRS.

    There are two state sovereignty organizations coming that have been instrumental in the push for Kansas to send a resolution to Washington DC so that we will no longer tolerate the federal government stepping on the constitutional rights of the states and their citizens.

    Kansas Libertarian Party chairman Andrew P. Gray will speak on the party’s 2010 plans and activities.

    The Great American Forum will take about an hour to showcase the U.S. Congressional Candidates for the 4th District.

    The keynote speaker is “Apostle Claver” T. Kamau-Imani, founder and chairman of www.ragingelephants.org He is a dynamic speaker whose mission includes getting people to “Vote their values — not a party.”

    KansansforLiberty.com has details and more information, including a list of the organizations confirmed to be at the Winter Rally.

  • Mike Huckabee to appear in Wichita for Dick Kesley

    On Wednesday, February 24th, former Arkansas Governor, Republican Presidential Candidate, and winner of the Kansas Republican Caucus Mike Huckabee will be in Wichita in support of the Dick Kelsey for Congress campaign.

    There will be two events, both held at the Holiday Inn at Kellogg and Rock Road. At 8:15 am there is a V.I.P. Roundtable at a cost of $500/person, which also includes admission to the General Event. At 9:00 am is the General Event at a cost of $100/person. A press conference follows at 9:45. All funds go to support Senator Dick Kelsey for Congress. Call 316-771-7310 for tickets and more information.

  • Insurance commissioner candidate to speak in Wichita

    At the Wichita Pachyderm Club this Friday, candidate for the Republican party nomination for Kansas Insurance Commissioner David Powell will speak to members and guests.

    All are welcome to attend Pachyderm club meetings. The program costs $10, which includes a delicious buffet lunch including salad, soup, two main dishes, and ice tea and coffee. The meeting starts at noon, although it’s recommended to arrive fifteen minutes early to get your lunch before the program starts.

    The Wichita Petroleum Club is on the ninth floor of the Bank of America Building at 100 N. Broadway (north side of Douglas between Topeka and Broadway) in Wichita, Kansas (click for a map and directions). Park in the garage just across Broadway and use the sky walk to enter the Bank of America building. Bring your parking garage ticket to be stamped and your parking fee will be only $1.00. There is usually some metered and free street parking nearby.