Tag: Mike Pompeo
For GMOs, a patchwork of state regulations would be a nightmare
A complicated regulatory landscape for genetically modified foods would shift power to large food producers at the expense of small companies and innovative startups.
Voting attendance an issue in Kansas fourth district campaign
Voting attendance an issue in Kansas fourth district campaign
How earmarks pay off for the earmarkers
The case of a Kansas Congressman benefiting from earmark spending once out of office should make us glad the practice has ended, and we should be wary of those who call for its return.
In Kansas fourth district campaign, PAC contributions are an issue
Candidate Todd Tiahrt criticizes Mike Pompeo for accepting PAC money as campaign contributions, but over his career Tiahrt has accepted PAC dollars in greater proportion than has Pompeo.
Did Rep. Mike Pompeo vote to fund Obamacare?
A television ad by Todd Tiahrt claims that Mike Pompeo voted seven times to fund Obamacare. What are the facts about those bills?
In Kansas fourth district, national security a dividing issue
A letter composed by 14 national security experts clarifies the debate over the role of the National Security Agency, its surveillance programs, and the safety of Americans.
Congress is better without earmarks
Controversy over the timing and efficacy of an earmark divert attention from the fact that earmarks are bad government. Congress is better without the practice.
Quasi-lobbyist runs as earmarker in Kansas GOP primary
Washington Examiner writer Tim Carney notices the curious stance of a Republican candidate in the Kansas fourth district primary: He likes earmarks
Club for Growth PAC Endorses Mike Pompeo For Congress
Club for Growth President Chris Chocola: “Mike Pompeo stands on principle to do what’s right for Kansas and America.”