Tag: Kansas state government

  • Kansas highways influence, for better or worse

    A government highway in Kansas is praised, yet causes problems, say others.

  • Susan Wagle for Kansas Senate President

    Tomorrow, the Kansas Senate meets to select its leadership. Senate Republicans could do Kansans a favor by electing Susan Wagle of Wichita to be senate president.

  • Just Say It: We Need to Raise Taxes in Kansas

    Rhonda Holman’s Wichita Eagle editorial today (State budget pain must be shared) makes the case for raising Kansas taxes without directly saying so. It’s actually quite artful the way she dodges actually saying what she wants Kansas legislators to do. Using language like “Nobody ever wants to raise taxes …” and “Lawmakers also must not…

  • Broad-based Economic Development Will Work Best for Kansas

    Alan Cobb of Americans For Prosperity — Kansas argues that instead of micro-management of economic development efforts, Kansas should aim for a businesses climate that’s good for everyone. See Yes, but it’s only $1.3 billion. We should heed this advice locally in Wichita.

  • Wichita Chamber of Commerce values

    Here’s a message that Bryan Derreberry, president of the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce, sent to Chamber members. Note that this message doesn’t mention the role its political action committee played in the third Sedgwick County Commission district. In that race, the PAC spent some $19,000 of its $48,000 in an effort to elect Goddard…

  • No Kansas subsidy to Northern Flyer

    When it comes to government money, there’s no shortage of people who have ideas on how to spend it. One group that has grand ideas of how government should spend your money is the Northern Flyer Alliance. This group promotes passenger train service in our area. Currently they’re promoting extension of rail service from Oklahoma…

  • Kansas Lags in Initiative and Referendum

    On Saturday I traveled to Oklahoma City to attend “Reforming the Reform Process: How to Restore Oklahoma’s Initiative.” What I learned is that Oklahomans are concerned with reforming a valuable citizen right that doesn’t exist at all in Kansas. The initiative process allows citizens to place a question on a ballot to be voted on…

  • Kansas School Spending May Be Cut

    As reported the Kansas Liberty story Governor’s budget office recommends cuts in K-12 spending, K-12 spending in Kansas may be cut. As the Kansas budget is under extreme pressure, if the governor suggests cutting spending, the legislature is probably very happy to go along. The irony is that since several school districts in Kansas, including…

  • United States Government Spending (dot com)

    I recently discovered usgovernmentspending.com. It seems like a great place to get data not only for the federal government, but for the states, too.