Tag: Kansas state government

  • AFP Defending the American Dream Summit to be Held in Wichita

    Americans For Prosperity — Kansas announces Kansas’ second statewide Defending the American Dream Summit. This event will be on Saturday, January 10 from 9 a.m. To 2 p.m. at the Beech Activity Center in Wichita. The featured speaker is Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online. He’s also author of the recent best-seller Liberal Fascism: The…

  • KU Study an Embarrassment to Sebelius

    In the first study to measure the result of pouring all that money on the noggins of schoolkids, the University of Kansas’s Center for Applied Economics has released a study poetically entitled, “The Relationship between School Funding and Student Achievement in Kansas Public Schools.” The verdict? So far, the funding has produced “little evidence of…

  • Kansas Taxpayers Network, The End

    The Kansas Taxpayers Network under the leadership of Karl Peterjohn has represented Kansas taxpayers for 15 years. Due to Karl’s election to the Board of Sedgwick County Commissioners, change is coming.

  • Huelskamp announces a run for Congress

    Kansas Liberty reports in the post Huelskamp announces a run for Congress: “[Kansas State] Sen. Tim Huelskamp, the veteran Fowler Republican, has announced he’ll pursue a seat in the U.S. Congress for 2010.” I think he’d make a great United States Congressman.

  • Voting for change in the Kansas Senate … not

    The Americans For Prosperity — Kansas blog has a post Voting for change in the Kansas Senate that explains the importance of the recent leadership elections in the Kansas Senate. This election was important because there was a clear choice. As the post says: “A vote for the current team is essentially saying that everything…

  • Low marks for Gov. Sebelius on Cato Institute grade card

    Americans For Prosperity — Kansas reported last month on Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius regarding taxation and spending in Kansas. As reported in Low marks for Gov. Sebelius on Cato Institute grade card, she doesn’t fare well. While supporting some business tax cuts, spending in Kansas has been out of control for some years. This rapid…

  • Kansas Tax Increase Not Ruled Out

    The Kansas Liberty story Lawmakers start looking for ways to meet deficit tells us that tax increases may be forthcoming in Kansas: “Both Senate President Steve Morris, R-Hugoton, and Vice-President John Vratil, R-Leawood, have not ruled out raising taxes.”

  • Hard to believe, but not everyone in politics wants a free lunch

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal (Governors Against State Bailouts), the governors of Texas and South Carolina argue against bailouts: “It is also taking our country in a very dangerous direction — toward a ‘bailout mentality’ where we look to government rather than ourselves for solutions.” Unfortunately, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius doesn’t agree. She’s very…

  • Bailout-mania spreads to the states

    Bailout-mania spreads to the states, and Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is at the forefront. As reported in Kansas Liberty: Sebelius , a Democrat and vigorous Obama supporter who is rumored to be a candidate for a cabinet appointment, formally presented Obama with a request on behalf of the National Governors Association for $40 billion to…