Tag: Government spending

  • Political attacks by Obama camp endanger opportunity

    Americans of all political persuasions can agree that we face serious national problems, including sluggish job growth and soaring federal spending. The way to solve these problems is by coming together, not by attacking each other. President Obama should call off the attack dogs, before they end up biting him too.

  • We can balance the budget without new taxes

    Politicians and interest groups claim higher taxes are necessary because it would be impossible to cut spending by enough to get rid of red ink. This Center for Freedom and Prosperity video shows that these assertions are nonsense. The budget can be balanced very quickly by simply limiting the annual growth of federal spending.

  • Bankrupting America says ‘spending just got personal’

    The new website Bankrupting America features a video presentation of poll results that reveal that a strong majority of Americans — seven out of ten — feel that government spending is too high, and nearly as many say this spending affects them personally.

  • Federal government spending: With all due respect Mr. President, we’re still waiting

    “We will go through our federal budget — page by page, line by line — eliminating those programs we don’t need.” — President-Elect Barack Obama, November 2008. A newspaper advertisement placed by the Cato Institute reminds us of President Obama’s pledge — and its lack of fulfillment:

  • Wasteful government spending must stop

    As part of its campaign against wasteful government spending, Americans for Prosperity Foundation has started a television advertising campaign and companion website to help Americans learn more about the harmful effects of the stimulus plan promoted by President Barack Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

  • How does Kansas rank in economic freedom?

    In measures of economic and personal freedom, Kansas ranks relatively well among the states, but lags behind some neighboring states. Recent actions by the Kansas legislature might drive its ranking down.

  • Goyle’s social security protection pledge is a tax increase pledge

    Raj Goyle, candidate for Congress, has pledged to protect social security. He didn’t mention the tax increase that will be required to fulfill this pledge.

  • Stimulus Pushers

    If we needed more evidence of President Barack_Obama’s inclination to shower public treasure on public sector unions, here it is. The Wall Street Journal details some of the ways that last week’s mini-stimulus bill is a gift to public sector unions at the cost of everyone else.

  • Kansas county spending benchmarks

    In Kansas, revenue flowing to the state has declined. How can our state cope with a loss in revenue?