How has Wichita fared since the start of the pandemic compared to other metropolitan areas? (more…)
Tag: Featured
Wichita employment situation, November 2021
For the Wichita metropolitan area in November 2021, the unemployment rate fell by a large amount, primarily because of a significant decline in the labor force. (more…)
Wichita since the start of the pandemic
How has Wichita fared since the start of the pandemic compared to other metropolitan areas? (more…)
Wichita employment situation, October 2021
For the Wichita metropolitan area in October 2021, the number of unemployed persons is down, the unemployment rate is down, and the number of people working is up when compared to the same month one year ago. The recent trend exhibits relatively small changes. (more…)
Kansas tax revenue, November 2021
For November 2021, Kansas tax revenue was 12.6 percent greater than November 2020, and 5.4 percent less than October. (more…)
Per Capita Personal Income in Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas
How does Wichita compare in Personal Income? We can learn in this interactive visualization of Per Capita Personal Income in urban areas in the United States. (more…)
Updated: Economic Indicators in the States
A visualization of coincident and leading economic indicators for the states. (more…)
Wichita property tax rate: Up, just a little
The City of Wichita property tax mill levy rose slightly for 2021. (more…)