Tag: Environment

  • ‘Not Evil Just Wrong’ filmmaker tells of harms of radical environmentalists

    Watching the film she made, I became angry. After talking with her, I feel better, but I’m still angry. She’s Ann McElhinney. The film she made is Not Evil Just Wrong. It’s a very powerful antidote to former vice president Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth and the extremism it has generated.

  • Cap-and-trade admitted to be tax

    Thinking people have known this all along, and now we know that the Treasury Department believes that proposed cap-and-trade legislation — the Waxman-Markey bill — is really a tax in disguise.

  • Not all birds are equal, it seems

    Recently ExxonMobil plead guilty to killing 85 birds. It paid $600,000 in fines and fees. An Oregon electric utility paid $1.4 million in fines for killing 232s eagle that had come into contact with poorly-designed power lines. Wind energy producers, however, can kill with impunity.

  • Waxman-Markey costly, ineffective

    The Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legislation that is working its way through Congress is ineffective in its stated goal, and will harm the American economy. The goal of this bill is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, thereby reducing the threat of global warming. The amount of temperature reduction Waxman-Markey might produce…

  • If this is recycling profit, let’s skip it

    A letter-writer to the Wichita Eagle states “In Washington state, we participate in a nearly effortless, profitable and environmentally important recycling program.” A paragraph later she writes “The cost of recycling is $5 a month on our refuse bill.” I don’t know: Do these statements contradict each other?

  • The Cap and Tax Fiction

    There’s been a of of joy among the radical environmentalists lately since the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) came out with a report that seems to say that the costs of the pending cap and trade legislation — the Waxman-Markey bill — is small. At a annual cost of $175 per household, that shouldn’t be much…

  • Global warming testimony released

    In May, Wichita geophysicist Dennis Hedke traveled to Arlington, Virginia to deliver testimony at a public hearing conducted by the Environmental protection Agency, or EPA. Now Hedke has released the document that he delivered to the EPA. You can read it in its entirety at the end of this article. Here are some highlights.

  • Global warming to be examined in Wichita

    At this Friday’s meeting of the Wichita Pachyderm Club, Wichita geophysicist Dennis Hedke will present important information about the topics of global warming and climate change. His presentation includes information about the science behind these matters, and also about the politics. That’s important, as it appears now that the driving force behind the Obama administration’s…

  • In Obama administration, transparency and science take backseat to politics

    President Barack Obama has promised to make transparency the standard for his administration. He also pledged to base decisions such as our nation’s energy policy on science. As reported on this site, the Competitive Enterprise Institute uncovered a series of email messages within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that raise questions as to how seriously…