Looking at inflation calculations in a different way. (more…)
Tag: Economics
Employment, pre- and post-Covid
Comparing job growth before and after the Covid pandemic, attempting to remove the effect of the pandemic. (more…)
National Employment Situation, March 2024
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 333,000 in March 2024 from February 2024. The unemployment rate fell from 3.9 percent to 3.8 percent. (more…)
Wichita Employment Situation, February 2024
For the Wichita metropolitan area in February 2024, most employment indicators changed only slightly from the prior month, and the unemployment rate did not change. Wichita continues to perform poorly compared to its peers. (more…)
Kansas Tax Revenue, March 2024
For March 2024, Kansas tax revenue was 0.3 percent higher than March 2023, and 0.9 percent higher than estimated. (more…)
Kansas GDP, Fourth Quarter of 2023
In the fourth quarter of 2023, the Kansas economy grew at the annual rate of 0.6 percent. Real Gross Domestic Product rose in all states, with Kansas ranking forty-ninth. (more…)
Kansas Employment Situation, February 2024
In Kansas in February 2024, the labor force fell, the number of jobs rose, and the unemployment rate rose compared to the previous month. Over the year, Kansas is lower than most states in job growth. (more…)
Wichita Employment Situation, January 2024
For the Wichita metropolitan area in January 2024, most employment indicators declined slightly from the prior month, and the unemployment rate did not change. Wichita continues to perform poorly compared to its peers. (more…)
Business Formation in States
For both business applications and business formations, Kansas does better than some states, but lags many states and the nation. (more…)