All the unemployment rates published by Bureau of Labor Statistics in an interactive visualization. (more…)
Tag: Economics
Biggest Producer of Crude oil #FACT #PERIOD
A popular meme on social media is true, but doesn’t convey its intended message. (more…)
Employment, pre- and post-Covid
Comparing job growth before and after the Covid pandemic, attempting to remove the effect of the pandemic. (more…)
Kansas Tax Revenue, May 2024
For May 2024, Kansas tax revenue was 23.1 percent lower than May 2023, and 22.7 percent lower than estimated. (more…)
Wichita Employment Situation, April 2024
For the Wichita metropolitan area in April 2024, most employment indicators changed only slightly from the prior month. Wichita continues to perform poorly compared to its peers. (more…)
Student Loan Arithmetic
We see some student loan borrowers complaining that after paying for many years, they still owe a large portion of the loan. Here’s how the math works. (more…)
Large County Employment, Fourth Quarter 2023
Employment in large counties, including Sedgwick County and others of interest. (more…)
Business Formation in States
For both business applications and business formations, Kansas does better than some states, but lags many states and the nation. (more…)