In the fourth quarter of 2022, the Kansas economy grew at the annual rate of 0.7 percent. Gross Domestic Product rose in 46 states, with Kansas ranking forty-first. (more…)
Tag: Economics
Disposable Personal Income
The source of the original data is Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the United States Department of Commerce. (more…)
Kansas Employment Situation, February 2023
In Kansas for February 2023, the labor force grew, the number of jobs fell, and the unemployment rate was unchanged, all compared to the previous month. Over the year, Kansas is above the middle of the states in job growth. (more…)
Direct Expenditure by States
Direct Expenditure by States
Current expenditures (such as salaries and supplies), plus any expenditures for capital improvements. Dollars per resident, adjusted for inflation. Shown as difference from nation-wide value. (more…)Total State Taxes
Total State Taxes
Dollars per resident, adjusted for inflation. State taxes only. (more…)Wichita Employment Situation, January 2023
For the Wichita metropolitan area in January 2023, the major employment indicators barely changed from the prior month. (more…)
Kansas Employment Situation, January 2023
In Kansas for January 2023, the labor force grew, the number of jobs grew, and the unemployment rate was unchanged, all compared to the previous month. Over the year, Kansas is above the middle of the states in job growth. (more…)
Kansas Tax Revenue, February 2023
For February 2023, Kansas tax revenue was 9.4 percent higher than February 2022. Collections for fiscal year 2023 after eight months are 9.2 percent greater than the prior year. (more…)