Looking at inflation calculations in a different way. (more…)
Tag: Economics
Business Dynamics Statistics
Annual measures of business dynamics such as job creation and destruction, establishment births and deaths, and firm startups and shutdowns. (more…)
Kansas Tax Revenue, October 2023
For October 2023, Kansas tax revenue was 7.4 percent lower than October 2022, and 4.1 percent lower than estimated. (more…)
Wichita Employment Situation, September 2023
For the Wichita metropolitan area in September 2023, major employment indicators were little changed from the prior month. (more…)
Kansas Employment Situation, September 2023
In Kansas for September 2023, the number of jobs and the labor force rose, and the unemployment rate ticked up slightly when compared to the previous month. Over the year, Kansas is below the middle of the states in job growth. (more…)
Business Formation in Kansas
For both business applications and business formations, Kansas does better than some states, but lags many states and the nation. (more…)
Personal Income in States
The source of the original data is Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the United States Department of Commerce.
Personal income refers to the total earnings from various sources, such as work, property ownership, financial assets, and transfers from businesses and the government. This income can be domestic or international. However, it doesn’t consider capital gains or losses. Before accounting for personal income taxes and other personal levies, it’s presented in current dollars without adjusting for inflation. In these charts, I adjusted for inflation.
The U.S. personal income estimation in the National Income and Product Accounts differs from state personal income due to discrepancies in data sources, methodologies, and data availability timing. In BEA’s state statistics, the U.S. personal income is the combined total of all states and the District of Columbia.
Per capita personal income is the average income of state residents, found by dividing the total personal income by the state’s population.
Kansas Tax Revenue, September 2023
For September 2023, Kansas tax revenue was 3.2 percent lower than September 2022, and 4.4 percent higher than estimated. (more…)