Tag: Donald J. Trump
Real Disposable Personal Income, pre- and post-Covid
Comparing real disposable personal income before and after the Covid pandemic, attempting to remove the effect of the pandemic.
The Greatest Economy
Looking at economic growth during presidencies.
Economists on Election Issues
Surveying economists on important topics in the current election.
Real (Inflation-Adjusted) Personal Income Excluding Transfers, Pre- and post-Covid
Comparing real (inflation-adjusted) personal income excluding current transfer receipts before and after the Covid pandemic, attempting to remove the effect of the pandemic.
Trump’s Inflation Data
Donald Trump presents price data that is accurate, as far as it goes.
Oil Reserves in the World
Where does the United States rank in oil reserves, according to Donald Trump?
Real Private Nonresidential Fixed Investment
Comparing business investment before and after the pandemic.
Biggest Producer of Crude oil #FACT #PERIOD
A popular meme on social media is true, but doesn’t convey its intended message.
Employment, pre- and post-Covid
Comparing job growth before and after the Covid pandemic, attempting to remove the effect of the pandemic.