Tag: Americans For Prosperity

  • Kansas economy debated in Wichita

    Last Thursday at a meeting of the City Clerks and Municipal Finance Officers Association of Kansas, the effectiveness of the federal economic stimulus and the Kansas economy were discussed. Americans For Prosperity National Director of State Operations Alan Cobb and Kansas Secretary of Revenue Joan Wagnon were the participants, with Dale Goter, Wichita Governmental Relations Manager, as moderator.

    Wagnon started the debate by reciting the distress that the economy has experienced over the past year. She said that these conditions said to the new president “You need to do something.” She said that about 10,000 jobs were picked up in Kansas by the federal stimulus plan. The stimulus worked, she said.

    Cobb said that to conclude that the stimulus has worked is premature. He said that in Kansas 6,500 jobs were created at a cost of $500 million, a cost of about $75,000 per job created. There’s a fundamental problem in politics, he said, in that politicians look at the short-term, not the long term. In the long term, there is no question that the stimulus spending will result in lower growth, as the borrowed money must be repaid. It’s the “seen” versus “unseen” problem.

    Goter asked: “What if nothing had been done?”

    Cobb replied that the President Obama’s team had said that without the stimulus, unemployment would rise to 7.5%, noting that today the rate is 10.2%. Wagnon relied that without intervention, more Kansas banks would have failed, and that the flow of credit would have shut down more than it has. Kansas would have run out of unemployment compensation funds, too, requiring the state to ask employers to make larger contributions at the same time they were laying off employees, resulting in a downwards spiral. She recited a list of construction projects and counties that received stimulus money.

    Wagnon referred to lessons learned during the Great Depression, that the power of the federal government was used to save the economy. Cobb replied that the lesson to be learned is the opposite. It took ten years to recover. Massive government intervention and higher taxes prolonged the Great Depression, he said.

    Goter asked: “Where do we go from here?”

    Wagnon explained that we spent a lot of our stimulus money on K-12 education. This helped the state get through fiscal years 2009 and 2010. For 2011 — the budget year that the Kansas legislature will begin working on in January — the stimulus money is no longer available. She said that we’re likely to see another round of cuts, not only in budget expenditures, but also in tax expenditures.

    There’s no appetite for raising taxes, she said. She noted that the 2010 Commission has recommended raising taxes instead of cutting spending.

    Cobb replied that the stimulus money is misnamed, as much of the spending is not stimulative. It simply replaced existing state spending and delayed some tough political decisions. Spending is the real problem, he said, noting that if spending had increased at just the rate of population growth plus inflation over the last six or seven years, Kansas would have perhaps $500 million in the bank now.

    Wagnon referred to the large number of governmental bodies in Kansas, saying that we may not be able to afford small school districts and the large number of county governments.

    Goter asked “Have we gone too far with tax exemptions?”

    Wagnon referred to these as tax expenditures. She said there’s a report on the Kansas Revenue Department website that details the cost of these. We should look at the cost of these expenditures, she said. The effectiveness of economic development tools should be looked at, and we’re giving away more than we need to in order to attract jobs.

    Wagnon said we’ve phased out the estate and franchise tax, and we need these revenues. She also mentioned the giveaways of employee withholding tax that Kansas has granted, where a company gets to use its employee tax contributions to repay economic development incentives. “What’s the value of a job, then, at that point?” People go after tax expenditures because they’re confidential and easier to get than going through the appropriations process, she said.

    Cobb said he agrees with some of the problems with these exemptions, although they’re not really expenditures, as the money belongs to the people to begin with. A better policy is lower tax rates for everyone with fewer exemptions. Corporate welfare does not grow a state’s economy, he added. Government is not equipped to pick winners and losers in the economy. Companies make location decisions based on labor force, tax rates, and markets, with incentives viewed simply as gravy.


    One of the most important lessons to take from this debate is to realize that the attitude commonly held by government officials such as Joan Wagnon is that taxes belong to the government first. Government, according to many officials, has a legitimate claim on the income and property of citizens, and if a reduction is given, it’s considered a cost to government. This is why Wagnon called them “tax expenditures.” This is the attitude of our former governor. The Kansas school spending lobby feels the same way, too.

    To learn more about the “seen and unseen” that Cobb referred to, read this excerpt from Economics in One Lesson, in which Hazlitt explains the fallacy of the broken window.

    Kansas Senator Chris Steineger has introduced legislation to reduce the number of counties in Kansas, as reported in Steineger introduces Kansas county consolidation bill.

    A report by the Kansas Division of Legislative Post Audit on the effectiveness of $1.3 billion spent by Kansas on economic development incentives is at Determining the Amounts the State Has Spent on Economic Development Programs and the Economic Impacts on Kansas Counties. Reporting from the Lawrence Journal-World is at Effect of economic spending in doubt. Readers of this site know that the effectiveness of economic development efforts by government is one of the issues I feel most strongly about. My recent testimony on this matter to the Wichita City Council is at Wichita universal tax exemption could propel growth.

  • KPERS report sparks backlash from Wichita SEIU

    Recently Kansas University professor Art Hall, along with a co-author, published a study explaining the funding crisis in KPERS, the Kansas Public Employee Retirement system. In summary, the report states: “The key finding of the study is that the KPERS system will not be in actuarial balance over the thirty year amortization period set in GASB standards. This means that KPERS will continue to accumulate unfunded liabilities for the foreseeable future. It is highly likely that KPERS will continue to impose a heavy tax burden on future generations.”

    This finding has raised quite a protest from those who expect to receive a benefit from KPERS in retirement. It may be the school districts and teachers that are protesting the loudest. What’s really strange is that they’re protesting what appear to be facts based on solid research.

    An example of the blowback to this report is when Harold Schlechtweg, business representative of Service Employees International Union Local (SEIU) 513 in Wichita, addressed the board of USD 259, the Wichita public school district regarding the KPERS report. He advocated for raising taxes earlier this year in front of the Wichita City Council so that employees he represents wouldn’t lose their jobs to less expensive outsourcing.

    To the school board, he said that when “people make a political intervention — and that’s exactly what that report was — I think that some requirement should be placed on them that they consider the impact of that.”

    This is a puzzling statement. Is Schlechtweg asking for some sort of censorship or approval to be obtained before think tanks or advocacy groups publish their articles? I don’t think he would consent to this requirement being placed on himself, as many of his arguments wouldn’t pass any sort of sanity test.

    For example, in a Wichita Eagle op-ed earlier this year, Schlechtweg said that if wages and benefits paid to Wichita parks workers were cut, the community would suffer. Let’s remind him who pays the wages and benefits he tried to protect: the taxpayers of the city of Wichita. The interests of the workers he represents are in direct opposition to that of the Wichita taxpayer.

    Schlechtweg (and others) object to use of the word bankrupt, but if that accurately describes the financial condition of KPERS, why should we gloss over it?

    He also mentioned the large losses in 401k plans. That’s not true for everyone. If a person’s funds were invested in, say, money market funds, there would have been no losses.

    Employing the tactics often used by the left when faced with issues not favorable to their cause, Schlechtweg attacks personalities. He slams the authors of the study as “not friends of public education,” naming Americans for Prosperity, the tea party groups, and the Kochs specifically.

    He praised the Kansas National Education Association or KNEA, the teachers union), for their work in providing information on this issue. Mr. Schlechtweg, if you’re going to discount the arguments of certain advocacy groups, can we agree that the teachers union is one of the most single-sided, uncompromising, and untruthful advocacy groups?

    And while bashing the political motives of others, doesn’t Schlechtweg realize that the KNEA is all about politics, if about anything at all?

    The fix for KPERS, he said, is to fund it. A problem, of course, is that taxes will likely have to be raised, and people don’t like to pay taxes. But to advocates like Schlechtweg and the SEIU, that’s not a problem. The taxpayer, it seems, is both their source of funds and focus of their scorn.

  • AFP Defending the American Dream summit draws thousands to Washington

    Last Friday and Saturday over two thousand defenders of free markets and capitalism traveled to the Washington area to meet at the Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s Defending the American Dream summit. It was an action-packed two days, so I’ll report on just a few personal highlights.

    One of the speakers in the general session was Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal. He said that global warming is the “greatest hoax of the last century.” The cap-and-trade bill, besides not having an effect on global temperatures, should really be named the “China and India Full Employment Act.” Jobs will flee the United States for these countries, as they will not agree to reduce their carbon emissions.

    Our national debt is another grave concern. “What happens if the Chinese, Asians, and the Arabs stop buying our debt?”

    After Moore’s talk I asked if he agreed with the assessment of some economists that we’re coming our of the recession. He said that the national debt, the threat of higher taxes, the threat of cap-and-trade, plus the threat of government takeover of our health care system is crippling the jobs market. The real sickness in our economy, he said, is that small businesses have no incentive to grow. “We spent $3 trillion, but we have done nothing to help small businesses. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They create 3 out of every 5 new jobs. So how are you going to get a jobs recovery if you don’t have small businesses that are healthy, vibrant, and growing?”

    I asked about the tone of the national debate, how the left uses ridicule instead of facing issues squarely. Moore said the we need to maintain the high ground. We have some big advantages over the left, including that we’re right. We have empirical evidence and the Constitution on our side. The left doesn’t want to debate the issues. They don’t want to post bills three days before they’re voted on because they don’t want people to know what’s in the bills, he said.

    He added that health care, cap-and-trade, and the budget are important issues we need to watch out for in the next eight weeks.

    The Wall Street Journal’s John Fund reminded us that most of the provisions of the current health care bill don’t take effect for four years. So why, he asked, must we pass it in the next four weeks? I asked him if we’ve seen the worst of the revelations we’re likely to see about ACORN. He replied no, there’s more — and worse — to come.

    After the closing reception, I spoke with AFP Foundation President Tim Phillips. He said that 2,100 people attended the summit. What’s the message the rest of the country should get from this summit? “It’s the determination and commitment of free markets and conservative folks to stay though this thing, to not lose interest, to not grow weary. We’re in it for the long haul. Today’s a good example of it. We don’t want to lose. This is not just gamesmanship — these are real issues.”

    I reminded him that opponents of capitalism and free markets point to the events of the last year as failure of these things. He said “Only in Washington would you have liberals like Barney Frank and other politicians run the housing market into the ground with federal regulation and then call it a free market failure. It’s obviously wrong.”

  • More local government 101 in Wichita

    Here’s a message from John Todd about additional training provided by Americans For Prosperity.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009 & Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Local Government 101: Learn how to get involved in Sedgwick County Government and how to influence public policy as a citizen activist.

    With Special Guest Sedgwick County Commissioner Karl Peterjohn

    7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday September 22, 2009, at the Wichita Area Builders Association meeting room, 730 N. Main, Wichita, Kansas 67203

    Then, a follow-up event:

    9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Wednesday September 23, 2009
    Attend a Board of Sedgwick County Commission Meeting
    Sedgwick County Court House, 525 N. Main, Wichita, Kansas 67202

    Followed by Lunch 11:45 a.m. To 1:00 p.m.
    Spangles Restaurant (Private Meeting Room)
    612 S. Broadway, Wichita, Kansas 67202
    Menu: Individual choices off the menu with individual tickets plus gratuity.

    Please RSVP to either John Todd, Wichita AFP volunteer coordinator
    john@johntodd.net or (316) 312-7335, or to Susan Estes, AFP Field Director, Kansas sestes@afphq.org or (316) 269-4170

    Attendees will participate in an interactive presentation of the inner workings of Sedgwick County Government and how to foster constructive relationships with elected and non-elected officials and learn ways to influence public policy. Part One is an evening session at the Wichita Area Builders Association meeting room from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22. In this class we will examine a typical Sedgwick County Board of County Commission meeting agenda. Part Two’s session will begin at the Sedgwick County Courthouse on Wednesday, September 23 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. to observe a Board of County Commission meeting, followed by a luncheon discussion at Spangles Restaurant meeting room from 11:45 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

  • Final budget legislation still fails to provide long-term budget solutions for Kansas

    Here’s a message from Americans For Prosperity — Kansas that, I believe, accurately assesses the current legislative session — now nearly over — and also the past few sessions. AFP State Director Derrick Sontag doesn’t mention the inflow of federal stimulus funds which took a lot of pressure off the legislature. That stimulus money isn’t free, however, and the burden of paying for it will show up somewhere else in the future.

    TOPEKA — Kansas legislators are wrapping up the 2009 Kansas Legislative session. Although some progress was made toward closing the state’s budget deficit, long-term solutions were not created, said Americans for Prosperity-Kansas state director Derrick Sontag.

    “Last week Governor Parkinson and many in the Legislature put multiple tax increase proposals on the table for consideration involving halting the phase-outs of the franchise and estate taxes, along with decoupling legislation,” Sontag said. “AFP vehemently fought these proposals, communicating to lawmakers that Kansas taxpayers shouldn’t bear the brunt of the Legislature’s failure to efficiently spend tax payer dollars.

    “While we’re pleased that legislators were willing to make some tough decisions on the budget without simply turning to taxpayers for more, it’s disappointing to see where their priorities were in terms of budget cuts.”

    The bill sent to the Governor for approval includes an additional $38 million in bonding for the statehouse renovations while slashing public safety funding by $8 million, as well as cutting more than 10% of funding to the Judiciary that may result in a 30 day furlough for certain Judiciary employees.

    “We fear this budget is too short-sighted, as we will be no better off in the fiscal years ahead,” Sontag said. “According to Kansas Legislative Research, in the next two fiscal years, 2011 and 2012, our deficit will be even more than the $330 million shortfall for fiscal year 2010.

    “It’s key to remember that just 22 months ago we had $934 million in the bank and now, even with the tax bill passed by legislators, our ending balance will be only $17,000.”

    Sontag said we must change the way we spend money in Topeka because temporary budget cuts and shifting money around will not make our state fiscally solvent.

    “This would not have happened had our expenditures only matched receipts for the past four years, but we let spending spiral out of control,” said Sontag. “State general fund spending increased by 48% between FY 2004 and FY 2008, while revenue receipts increased by 38% during that same time period. The days of deficit spending have come to an end and now the legislature should focus on enacting budget reform measures from this point forward.”

    AFP has supported such budget reform measures as zero-based budgeting, which requires agencies to take a top-to-bottom approach look at their expenditures, and a budget stabilization fund that requires the state to put money aside as a cushion to see us through economic downturns without making drastic cuts to essential government services and public safety.

    “Public safety is the most essential function of government, yet some lawmakers chose to cut its funding by millions of dollars instead of applying more cuts to public education, a part of government that has realized a 53% increase in spending since 2003,” said Sontag. “AFP will continue to encourage legislators to consider real budget reform in the future to address the budget situation, without increasing the burden on taxpayers in the next session.”