Recent Economic History in Sedgwick County

When deciding whether to vote for incumbent Sedgwick County Commissioners, consider the recent economic history of the county.

Employment. Sedgwick County has not done well over the past few years. There was the pandemic that depressed results, but I make comparison to other counties as in the nearby chart 5a. This compares Sedgwick County to a selection of counties. I chose some of them because they are in Kansas or nearby. Others are counties holding cities which Wichita leaders visited as part of a city-to-city visit program. See Large County Employment and Visualization: Large County Employment, Establishments, and Wages for more.

(Click charts for larger versions. These illustrations are taken from interactive visualizations. By using them, you may make your own charts.)

Wages. This visualization also holds wage data. In the example below, you can see that wage growth in Sedgwick County is very low.

Poverty. For poverty rate, Sedgwick County increased from 2003 to 2020, while the state of Kansas rose by a much smaller value and the national rate fell. Considering income, Sedgwick County median household income was greater than both Kansas and the nation in 2003. By 2020, however, both had surpassed Sedgwick County. For more, see Poverty and Income in Kansas and Visualization: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates.

Domestic Migration. In this snippet, we can see that Sedgwick County loses population due to domestic migration. See Visualization: Population of Metros and Counties with Components for more.

Production. In the nearby chart, we see that Sedgwick County performs well in Gross Domestic Product Per Capita in manufacturing, but not so well overall. See Gross Domestic Product by County and Industry and Visualization: Real Gross Domestic Product by County and Industry for more.


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