Peterjohn’s Kansas taxpayer protection platform recognized

Last week, Sedgwick County Commissioner Karl Peterjohn lead a successful effort to add strong protection for taxpayers to the county’s legislative platform. My coverage is at Peterjohn presses taxpayer protection platform through Sedgwick County Commission. Following is a short op-ed from Americans For Prosperity-Kansas on this matter.

I was pleased to learn of the Sedgwick County Commission’s new legislative platform regarding property taxes. It reads, “All local sales tax increases must be approved by voters under Kansas law. All property tax increases that raise the mill levy should also be required to receive voter approval.”

This is a significant step for the Sedgwick County Commission, considering this goes against the position of the Kansas Association of Counties. The supporters of this measure, Commissioners Kelly Parks, Karl Peterjohn, and Gwen Welshimer, should be applauded for recognizing the importance of allowing the people to vote on property tax measures.

However the opponents, Commissioners Dave Unruh and Tim Norton, should be asked why they oppose allowing their constituents to vote on an issue as important as property taxes. If government has a compelling reason for increasing taxes, then shouldn’t it feel comfortable in taking its case to the people?

Derrick Sontag
Americans for Prosperity-Kansas


One response to “Peterjohn’s Kansas taxpayer protection platform recognized”

  1. Bob, this is great news!

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